University of Phoenix Strategical SWOT Analysis Question

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Health Medical

University of Phoenix


Review the SWOT Analysis you completed in Week 3. Focus on the bigger picture that addresses your organization’s overall strategy in terms of the strengths and opportunities you identified. 

Prepare a 500- to 700-word Strategic Systems Thinking Strategy Proposal that identifies 3 key organization strengths and the role they play in identifying and building upon 3 key opportunities that fit your organization’s overall strategy. 

In the proposal, include: 

  • 3 key organization strengths and the role they play in identifying and building upon 3 key opportunities that fit your organization’s overall strategy 
  • An analysis of the following: 
  • Elements of “chaos,” identified through your 5 Whys or Fishbone diagram, that can be turned into “butterfly effects” or potential large-scale strategic opportunities for your organization
  • Potential opportunities for projects that apply creativity in the solution of identified “chaotic” issues or problems within your organization 
  • Potential leverage points that will help your organization build on a strength(s) to take advantage of strategic opportunities 
  • A description of how chaos theory applies to your strategic opportunities 
  • A final systems thinking diagram that focuses on strategic project opportunities for your organization

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1 SWOT Analysis Name: Venicia Yance Course: MHA 505 Instructor: Doris Chimera Date: March 21,2022 Objectives For a health organization to be effective in its output, capital invested, and margins, there must be environmental research. Environmental research analyzes and uses information from internal and external environments to predict future performance. The health organization will be assisted by three parties to decide: shareholders or the organization owner, organization leadership, 2 and the customers. The owner provides capital, leaders, and staff will work together to achieve the health organization's vision, and customers will give them information about what they expect from them. SWOT analysis is the primary tool for environmental analysis, which also predicts future potential (Benzaghta et al., 2021). The four aspects discussed below assist in the decisionmaking process; Internal ● Helpful ● Harmful ● Strength ● The Organization can assess a reasonable labor force. ● -There will be in a friendly mood in the health Organization. ● It will be easy to manage the work in the groups. ● WeaknessCommunication between departments can be slow. ● The heads of departments cannot make independent decision-making. ● Conflict typically arises from different divisions. External Opportunity ● Respond to high demand ● quickly to identify market gaps and invest. ● They can quickly get funds from the lending company. Threats ● The government can increase taxation ● Competitors are a significant threat. ● Natural disasters sometimes may occur. 3 Strengths These are the things the health Organization will do best. (What organization are you discussing?) - The Organization can assess a reasonable labor force. They (Do you mean potential employees?) will also have good proximity to the Organization since most will be recruited from the target market. (Are you talking about your organization?) -They (Who is they?) will also be friendly in the health Organization, and hence they attract expertise like doctors thus strength. - It will be easy to manage the work in the groups (Vlados, 2019). The staff is divided into departments according to specialization.(Is this information about your organization?) Weaknesses (Are these weaknesses of your organization?) -Communication between departments can be slow- This is usually due to a lack of a proper communication channel. -The heads of departments generally have decision-making limitations since they must report to the organization manager. -Conflict typically arises from different divisions in the health organization because of their different opinions and priorities. Opportunities (Are these opportunities for your organization?) -When there is a high demand for their medicine, they will increase the supply rate. - it will be easy to identify market gaps and invest in them so that they can start new branches. 4 They can quickly get funds from the available leading agents, which funds health sectors, which they can pay on future dates. Threats (Are these threats to your organization?) are negative power that can affect their performance (Abdel-Basset, 2019). -The government can increase taxation, which will affect their profits. - Competitors are a significant threat since they might have an advantage over them in their lower and psychological pricing. -Natural disasters sometimes may occur, such as tsunami. This makes a significant loss to the health organization. In conclusion, it is so important to do an environment search to prevent future losses and ensure the efficiency of the Organization. SWOT analysis also requires finding data that is always accurate. Also, the internal management must be very promising to safeguard the Organization's mission is achieved. Venicia: See my comments. I do not believe you understood that the SWOT was to be done on your organization. You did not identify the 3 most important SWOT facing your organization or list the priorities for your organization. The assignment required that you: Complete a SWOT Analysis of your organization. Utilize the SWOT Analysis Worksheet and complete the following steps: • Complete a preliminary walk around the organization to scan the environment for strengths, weaknesses, potential opportunities, and potential threats (e.g., workflows, products, personnel, processes). • Follow up with additional research that may provide clarity on elements that you are hesitant or indecisive to list. • Review your Systems Thinking Diagram from Competency 1 and determine if there are any details you can add or adjustments you can make to enhance your understanding of the organizational system. • Write an objective for conducting your SWOT analysis. Completed 5 • • • • List the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, potential opportunities, and potential threats. Use concise bullet points. You provided general information but not for your organization Select and analyze the items that should be prioritized within your organization. Did not complete Prepare a 350-word summary analysis of the 3 most important strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing your organization. Did not complete Analyze and discuss why you believe each is important. Did not complete Cite 3 reputable references to support your SWOT Analysis summary (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality). Completed Submit your SWOT analysis worksheet and summary. Reference 6 Abdel-Basset, M., Gunasekaran, M., Mohamed, M., & Chilamkurti, N. (2019). A framework for risk assessment, management, and evaluation: Economic tool for quantifying risks in the supply chain. Future Generation Computer Systems, 90(1), 489-502. Benzaghta, M. A., Elwalda, A., Mousa, M. M., Erkan, I., & Rahman, M. (2021). SWOT analysis applications: An integrative literature review. Journal of Global Business Insights, 6(1), 55-73. Vlados, C. (2019). On a correlative and evolutionary SWOT analysis. Journal of Strategy and Management.
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