Troy University Graphic Scale Competency Performance Rating Form Paper

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Business Finance


To evaluate an individual’s performance in an organization, many companies and firms are currently using the graphic rating scale. this approach is considered as one of the simplest methods to appraise an employee’s performance with its several varieties. A competency-based graphic rating scale is one of its varieties. As seen in Figure 8.2 (see below), its scale may include multiple job dimensions (such as personal effectiveness and teamwork) and a range of performance values (from Below Expectation to Role Model) for each dimension. The manager can evaluate his/her subordinate by checking the score that best describes the subordinate’s performance at work. For more details, please see the document I uploaded.


You are to choose a job or occupation which you want to get or are now working for in the organization where you currently belong or one that you would like to work in.

You are to search O*NET ( (Links to an external site.)) for general information on the target job/occupation of your choice.

Once you have created your own form, Explain why you are using the job dimensions and performance values listed on that form.

Besides the graphic rating scale, what other rating methods, would you recommend to better appraise your target job and why?

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Read the following task and use your creativity to complete the assignment. Title: Performance Evaluation This Is a Hypothetical task To evaluate an individual’s performance in an organization, many companies and firms are currently using the graphic rating scale. this approach is considered as one of the simplest methods to appraise an employee’s performance with its several varieties. A competencybased graphic rating scale is one of its varieties. As seen in Figure 8.2 (see below), its scale may include multiple job dimensions (such as personal effectiveness and teamwork) and a range of performance values (from Below Expectation to Role Model) for each dimension. The manager can evaluate his/her subordinate by checking the score that best describes the subordinate’s performance at work. Purpose of this task The purpose of this exercise is to give you practice in developing and using a performance evaluation form. Required understandings You are going to develop a performance appraisal form for a job position of your choosing. Therefore, you should be thoroughly familiar with the contents of a competency-based graphic rating scale. Instructions 1. You are to choose a job or occupation which you want to get or are now working for in the organization where you currently belong or one that you would like to work in. 2. You are to search O*NET ( (Links to an external site.)) for general information on the target job/occupation of your choice. 3. Based on the information available on the O*NET website, you are to create a hard-copy performance rating form with the graphic rating scale and upload it to Canvas. You can refer to other examples of that form online or from other resources. But you are NOT to copy them. You must get Creative! 4. Once you have created your own form, Explain why you are using the job dimensions and performance values listed on that form. 5. Besides the graphic rating scale, what other rating methods, would you recommend to better appraise your target job and why? GRADING I will review and grade 1) the performance rating form you create, 2) the job dimensions and performance values you list up, and 3) the other appraisal methods you recommend. Accordingly, you should upload your rating form for a target job/occupation to Canvas. On the following page of this form, you should add your explanation on the job dimensions and performance values you list up with other appraisal methods and your rationale for such methods. Strong written communication skills are important in every aspect of Management. Therefore, you will be graded on grammar and spelling, so proofread your work.
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Graphic Scale Competency Performance Rating Form

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Graphic Scale Competency Performance Rating Form
Name of Employee:
Department: Finance
Job title: Financial Manager (O*NET Online, 2012)
Competences to be Achieved
a. Organizational know how
b. Analysis of market and financial position
c. Shows problem solving ability
d. Shows leadership qualities
e. Communication ability

Performance Poor
Analysis of
market and
know how
Shows prob...

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