Quality in healthcare financing, health and medicine homework help

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Quality in Healthcare Financing Paper


Provide a 3–5 page paper that discusses the following concepts (be sure to include a definition of quality and examples of each):

  • The concept of quality and how it is measured
  • What value quality brings to cost and financing
  • The relationships between quality and cost and financing
  • How quality is measured in healthcare organizations
  • Which agencies are concerned with healthcare quality


  • Please use your readings, Discussions, and current experiences in your response.
  • Make sure that you save a copy of the Assignment that you submit.


The finished Assignment should be a 3–5 page descriptive paper, excluding the title page and references. The viewpoint and purpose of this Assignment should be clearly established and sustained. References must be current (within the past 5-7 years) and in APA format with digital object identifier (where applicable).

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Explanation & Answer



Running head: QUALITY

Quality, Cost and Financing



Quality is a concept that has been given much attention in the contemporary society due
to its nature. Many health professionals today face pressure in their profession as they seek to
provide health services of high quality to patients. Because of the need for the healthcare system
to provide high-quality health services, many nations around the world have come up with ways
to measure the quality of health services because the sector is very sensitive. This paper,
therefore, seeks to explore the concept quality, how it is measured in health care as well as the
relationship between quality, cost, and financing.
Quality is the ability of an organization to provide services or products that meet the
requirements of the intended need. In health care, quality is the worth of a service provided by a
health care. The aim of health care is the provision of services which are of high quality to the
patients and which meet the needs of the receivers. This helps in the curing of illness, boosting
good quality life and eventually making it possible to move in the right direction towards
increasing life expectancy (Parvanta, 2017). To measure quality, various ways can be employed.
For example, benchmarking is one method that i...

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