-----Moon Lab Astronomy

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Question 1 (2 points) Examine the images of the near and far sides of the Moon on http://facstaff.gpc.edu/~wlahaise/moon_lab.htm. Describe the similarities and differences. Question 1 options: Question 2 (2 points) Look carefully at the image of the near side of the Moon on http://facstaff.gpc.edu/~wlahaise/moon_lab.htm. Place "M"'s on the worksheet (last page of Moon lab) at the center of the major maria. You will add more features to the worksheet throughout this lab. (Remember to either import a picture of the worksheet into the answer box below, or scan and attach the worksheet to the instructor in an iCollege e-mail) . How many maria did you find? Question 3 (2 points) Estimate the fraction of the near side of the Moon that is maria. Question 4 (2 points) Describe the general shape of the maria based on your analysis of the images in the previous question. Are there any major exceptions? If so, which ones? Question 5 (2 points) Wrinkle ridges are sinuous, low, irregular ridges which are associated with the maria. Examine the image of Mare Serenitatis listed at http://facstaff.gpc.edu/~wlahaise/moon_lab.htm. Find a prominent wrinkle ridge in the maria, list its longitude below, sketch it on your worksheet, and label it w.r. Question 6 (2 points) Suggest how wrinkle ridges may have formed. Question 7 (2 points) Based on the appearance of the maria, explain how they might have formed. Question 7 options: Save Question 8 (2 points) Examine the image labeled "LeMonnier". How does the appearance of the crater LeMonnier in Mare Serenitatis confirm your answer to the previous question? Question 9 (2 points) Name an example of each of these crater types (see previous page in lab textbook) found in this region represented in the "moonmap". Save Question 10 (2 points) Which type of crater is Copernicus? (If you have not already done so, remember Q 9 from the lab textbook: Locate Copernicus on the worksheet and note it by a small c.) Question 11 (2 points) a) Which of the three types of craters tend to be the smallest? Which are the largest? b) Do each of the three types occur in both, the highlands and the maria? Save Question 12 (2 points) Look carefully at the image labeled Copernicus. It was taken by the Apollo 15 command module. The large crater to the far right near the horizon is Copernicus. Using the map, find the location of photograph A on the Moon and note it on the worksheet with a square. Save Question 13 (2 points) The prominent large crater just to the left of the photo center is ____________ and you are looking toward the compass direction of _____________. Question 14 (2 points) Account for the appearance of the long, jumbled, gradual slope outside the crater rim by explaining how the crater might have been formed. Question 15 (2 points) State how the activity that formed the crater might also explain the higher-than-normal number of small craterlets in the foreground of the photograph. Question 16 (2 points) Between the crater identified in Q13 above (= Q14 from the lab textbook) and Copernicus there is a winding line of small craterlets. Find these craterlets on your moon map. List two ways in which these look different from the craters studied previously. (Hint: Look at their arrangement and shape.) Question 17 (2 points) Which of the Moon's major surface-modifying processes produced this sinuous line of craterlets? Question 18 (2 points) Rays are light streaks radiating from craters. Name a crater with extensive rays. Question 19 (2 points) Give three reasons why you would not expect to find a crater with such an extensive ray system on the Earth. Question 20 (2 point Locate and name one prominent straight rille that is obviously a crustal fracture. Sketch this rille on your worksheet. Question 21 (2 points) Suggest how straight rilles and faults may have formed. Question 22 (2 points) With the exception of the lower right of the photograph, the terrain seems to be __________ (highlands/maria). Question 23 (2 points) The craters in a string near the center of the photo are like those of Q16 above (= Q17 from the lab textbook). Thus, they are __________ (impact/tectonic/volcanic) in origin. Question 24 (2 points) Can you suggest how the two sinuous rilles were formed? Question 25 (2 points) Characterize the following features as impact, tectonic, volcanic or some combination. Question 26 (2 points) By looking at the map, determine which of each pair is OLDER. a) Copernicus/Mare Imbrium b) Archimedes/Mare Imbrium c) Cassini/Mare Imbrium d) Cassini/Cassini A Question 26 options: Question 27 (2 points) Arrange in order of age the following features seen in photograph B: the long, oval depression to the left; the two small, round craters in the depression; the left sinuous rille; the maria whose edge can be seen in the photo. I will upload any information in the lab book for this assignment
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