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EDRD 6323 Literacy Research Paper Purpose of Paper The general purpose of this assignment is to read and analyze peer-reviewed research that has been conducted on a specific vocabulary or literacy comprehension strategy. First choose a strategy from the class textbook, Intervention Strategies to Follow Informal Reading Inventory Assessment. You might want to choose a back up just in case you can’t find information on a specific strategy. Choose a strategy that will work well in one of the grade level(s) and/or content area(s) you plan to teach or are teaching right now. You will be reading peer-reviewed articles that show research on the strategy as well as methods for teaching the strategy. Collecting articles To find the articles, go to the library web site and look for the list of full text journals called E-journal titles—there is a place to click on this in “quick links.” The following journals are excellent for finding teaching and research articles on literacy: Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, Reading Research Quarterly, Journal of Literacy Research, Reading Teacher, Reading Improvement, Research in the Teaching of English. You are not limited to these journals. If you plan to teach in a specific content area, you might search for a content area teaching jounal, such as Journal of Social Studies Education Research. You will choose a minimum of three articles to analyze, and one of these articles must be a research study. If you are not sure what a research study looks like, please check with me. My assumption is that not everyone has read research or teaching articles, so checking articles with me is fine. Writing Read the articles carefully and take notes. Use your chosen strategy as the title of your paper. You will write a three paragraph summary minimum of each of the 2 three articles. After each summary, reflect on the article’s information in at least two paragraphs by considering the following questions: 1. How could you use this information when you are teaching? 2. For the research articles, how could you use the information presentation in the results/conclusions/implications sections to inform how you teach this strategy? 3. How does this information in the article help you to understand how to use this strategy when teaching? Organization: Start my listing the bibliographic information for each article at the beginning of each summary. Use APA bibliographic style. Do not directly quote, but paraphrase in your summaries. Evaluation criteria Your paper will be evaluated on how well you summarized each article and connected what you learned from the article to teaching the strategies.
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Below is a summary of peer reviewed journal used to evaluate specific comprehension in
literary and vocabulary strategy. The important strategy to be considered shall be derived from
the class textbook, ‘Intervention Strategies to follow informal reading inventory assessment’.
The book provides specific strategies that can be used by students in the whole class, center
stations, small group or one on one. Important ideas have been shared with parents on how to
help their children become a better reader. The book is easy to read, and other specific strategies
can be easily found. My selected strategy that I know will work well with me involves
incorporating ICT technology in the teaching process, the attitude of students and gamification. I
have studied and researched on three peers reviewed articles which elaborate strategies applied
in the research and methods used for the strategy teaching. Among the articles I used is one
research study article.
ÇELİKKAYA, T., FİLOĞLU, S., & ÖKTEM, N. S. (2013). The application levels of
practices of values education in social studies course by teachers. Journal of Social
Studies Education Research, 4(1), 121-147.
Çelikkaya, Filoğlu, & öktem, (2013)’s journal seeks to elaborate the components of the
education system which require awareness and sensibility among the teachers. Teachers have a
mission to exercising leading roles in allowing students acquire values and remain practitioners
in the entire education program. They should thus be equipped with knowledge and skills about
educational values. The journal further reiterates that a teacher lacking any tangible skills and


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