UST Psychology Performance Anxiety Paper

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American university of Science and Technology


The paper topic is based on the "performance anxiety". Potential research question: will performance anxiety have positive effect on musician on stage? The structure would be: 1 Introduction. 2 Define performance anxiety from psychology perspective and music performance perspectives. 3 Possible trigger and cause of performance anxiety. 4 How performance anxiety affect musician on stage. 5 Possible cues for musicians. 6 Conclusion.

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Explanation & Answer

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➢ Performing in front of an audience might cause some musicians with a social anxiety
disorder to suffer from performance anxiety.
➢ Anxious musicians are always critical of themselves and their performances, whether
before, during, or after a show.
➢ Poor self-evaluation causes a lack of concentration and a host of physical problems,
leading to performance levels that fall short of one's true potential as a musician

Performance anxiety
➢ Anxiety tends to conjure up bad associations in musicians' minds. There is a
commonality in the issues and opinions of musicians from all participating genres.
Psychology perspective
➢ Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and is commonly referred to as a
behavioral science.
➢ As a result, music psychology studies how people behave when they are anxious
about performing.
➢ A better understanding of human behavior and a variety of perspectives on musical
behavior in performance might assist decrease performance anxiety-related behaviors

Music performance perspectives
➢ A musician’s brain is accountable for diverse musical skills. The brain's functional
groupings must be activated to carry out a certain job. It is common for musicians to
give answers that have been pre-recorded.


➢ It is normal to have some intuitive reactions to music; for example, loud, rapid music
is commonly considered thrilling, whereas soft, quiet music is perceived as
➢ In contrast, various musical styles elicit distinct reactions in different civilizations. As
a result, there is a more sophisticated and varied cognitive process in action

Possible trigger and cause of performance anxiety
➢ Anxiety about over-performing is a common problem among musicians of all ages
and levels of experience.
➢ Furthermore, it has been shown that performance anxiety affects musicians of all
ability levels, not only the nave amateurs.
➢ A functional influence on musicians prevents them from playing at the level they
desire. Anxiety and tension may be seen as positive side effects of the job for many

Effects of performance anxiety on musicians on stage
➢ Performance anxiety has the same physical effects on the body as other stressful
situations. If musicians are nervous, their stomach is likely to be a source of pain.
➢ Emotions feel like they are sitting in one's gut. As a result, individuals tend to overeat
or starve themselves when confronted with a stressful situation. "Butterflies in the
stomach" is a typical metaphor for the digestive system shutting down when one is

Possible cues for musicians
➢ Through their distinctive musical language or physical actions, artists connect
with their audience and achieve success in a performance.


➢ This is tough to do when there is a significant level of performance anxiety.
Time spent working on musical qualities will help the performer out.
➢ If the performer's disposition toward stress and the performance environment
contributes to performance anxiety, increasing the musical aspects present in the
performance will be advantageous and may even help reduce performance
Music expression
➢ All aspects of a musical performance are linked. The performers' musical expression
is what makes a performance musical. Anxiety is reduced when musicians can
express themselves musically in the context of a concert hall.
➢ To cope with stressful situations, it's helpful to focus on musical expression. Emotions
can be expressed even when the musician cannot control the situation or what their
body is doing during composition.
➢ A high level of tension in a performance environment causes performers' minds to

Rehearsal and practicing
➢ To be ready for a performance, rehearsal and practice are essential. Performers with
stage fright would benefit from this because they could fall back on the material they
are already familiar with and comfortable performing.
➢ Audiences can tell when a musician has put in the time and effort to be well-prepared
for a performance. Even though most performances are less than an hour long,
preparation for a single performance can take weeks or months.
➢ The majority of performances are one-of-a-kind. Psychology may define practice as
the process of acquiring skills through repetition


➢ When preparing for a musical performance, remembering music is essential. Most
musicians have experienced memory loss at some time in their career; therefore,
many concerts are required to be performed totally from memory, which may be quite
➢ Musical performance anxiety can exacerbate these sensations of tension; thus, it is
conceivable that less harm will be done if musicians prepare their memories of the
piece well. Tonal memory is often regarded as a crucial component of musical talent

➢ In conclusion, musical performance anxiety is widespread and can have long-lasting
effects virtually always unpleasant. To enjoy a performance, thorough preparation is
➢ When musicians are confident in their craft, they can focus their attention on the
➢ Performance anxiety might be minimized as a consequence. Musical performance,
musical expression, practicing and practicing, and memorizing are various aspects of
confident music performing.

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Performance anxiety
Performing in front of an audience might cause some musicians with a social anxiety
disorder to suffer from performance anxiety. Anxious musicians are always critical of
themselves and their performances, whether before, during, or after a show. Poor self-evaluation
causes a lack of concentration and a host of physical problems, leading to performance levels
that fall short of one's true potential as a musician. Anxiety over performing in front of an
audience is caused by factors including one's temperament and negative early performance
experiences. Research shows that women are more likely to suffer from this type of anxiety than
men. If you're worried about performing in front of an audience, it's perfectly normal and
expected (Matei et al., pg. 33-35). Music performance anxiety occurs when the amount of
anxiety becomes overwhelming. When musicians experience stress that is good for their health,
they may perform at their highest level.
Performers who suffer from stage fright are harmed by the physical symptoms and the
uncertainty and sense of helplessness they experience when on stage. It's impossible to provide a
good performance when musicians are experiencing physical and mental stress at the same time.
Physical and mental symptoms can be controlled as one becomes older and more experienced.

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Artistic freedom and self-expression have become more difficult for many artists due to anxiety
problems. Therapy may be an option for some musicians, while others choose ...

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