Diagnostic essay

User Generated




Your goal is to either analyze the article’s argument or make a persuasive argument about the subject matter addressed in one of the four articles listed below. If you choose the former, you are not going to make an argument about the article’s topic, but rather make an argument as to how well the author makes her/his argument. If you choose the latter, you will take a stand on the issue and write in a persuasive manner as to why someone should agree with your side of the issue.

Feel free to quote from the article in your essay. However, do not simply repeat what the article says. Offer analysis and show of your critical thinking skills. Avoid using the first-person voice.

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Explanation & Answer

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The dilemma of Burqini
Muslims always keep their body covered and this is especially to the women, who are not
allowed to expose their bodies. Muslims women way of life is depended on the religion of the
Islam and is controlled based on the interaction they have within themselves as well as the other
people and the activities that they have in their daily lives. Every religion has its own rules and
norms which should be respected as provided by the Constitution. To Muslims, their norms not
only represents their religion but also represent a way of life. Muslim women have been the main
discussion on matters to do with fashion. Thesis: people wearing Burqini should not b...

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