Chesapeake College Social Work Essay

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Chesapeake College


Thus far in this class, we’ve been focused on sociologically defining marginalized groups within the United States, as well as attempting to understand a bit of each group’s history. One of the most important ways that a person can demonstrate cultural competence is to be educated. That’s saying that it’s vital to try to understand how a person’s history affects their identity, which in turn affects their opportunities and sense of personal agency.

Now it’s time for you to apply what you’ve learned so far. There are groups of minorities that we have not had the opportunity to discuss. Please choose a group that we’ve not discussed yet. In essay form, address the following issues:

  • A brief overview of this group’s American history.
  • A brief overview of this group’s treatment in the United States.
  • Why would you define this group as a “minority”?
  • What is this group’s relationship with a class and/or poverty?
  • Could this group’s relationship with class/poverty relate to intersectionality? Why
  • Please use standard APA format for headings and citations to address the following writing prompt. Your response should be a minimum of two pages, but no more than four pages (unless you have instructor approval).

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.

Alaskan Natives

Introduction on a brief history before they encountered the Europeans

Their interaction with the Europeans

Attempts to make them white i.e civilization through form of education and cultural

Treatment in the USA

Segregation at workplace and unequal opportunity presented to them

Racial violence

Their rights as humans

Opportunity to view and participate in civil rights such as voting and participating in an

Why I considered them minority

Glaring discrimination meted them

Their culture and language is almost going extinct.


Check on the minority intersectionality and various aspects promoting intersection of
the Alaskan people.


Alaskan Natives

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Alaskan Natives
Alaskan Natives were semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers before the advent of Europeans.
In the Aleutian Islands, the Aleuts were hunted and trapped similarly, except they lived in more
permanent, semi-underground dwellings. There were signif...

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