Personal Nursing Philosophy, Part 2
Lena Movsisyan
Professor Jodi Raisor
Nurse 500: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice
West Coast University
March 6, 2021
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Personal Nursing Philosophy
As an art and a science, how has your personal nursing philosophy unfolded?
A nursing philosophy is the specific beliefs and thoughts, which determine how a person
would provide care to patients in a complex health state. Nursing in my philosophy is a critical
component of the paradigm as nurses are responsible for caring for patients by educating them
about self-care, advocating for patients, and promoting a conducive environment for patients. My
personal philosophy of nursing is based on providing holistic care in a competent,
compassionate, and empathetic way. The nurse should have a transpersonal relationship with
their patients. While caring for patients, a nurse should observe bodily functions, the vitals, and
the emotional being of a patient. My nursing philosophy has molded me to care for myself as
well as other people since if my health deteriorates; I cannot care for the patients. I believe it is
my responsibility as a nurse to empower patients to recover by use of my gained scientific
knowledge and skills. Besides, sue the constant research and evidence-based practice, my
perceptive on nursing are that it is essential to continue with education to keep up with the
emerging trends. I also believe that understanding the patient will help me to provide better care.
My nursing philosophy focuses on helping others, building trust, establishing authentic
relationships, and respecting all people.
Have there been ideas that have challenged your personal values or assumptions?
During the entire course, there have been no value or assumption challenged. Thus, many
of the values and assumptions were supported and reinforced with theories and ideas presented
during the course. The theorists who developed the nursing theories established an improved
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guide for nursing practice. Also, they designed assumptions using the patient’s needs in mind.
Many people seek medical care after a disease has progressed, which in turn makes it difficult for
them to recover. At this point, a nurse can only help the patient to live their final days with
Have there been ideas that have caused your personal conflict and may lead to critically
deconstructing those dispositions?
Throughout the entire course, there was no idea that can lead to the critical
deconstruction of the acquired dispositions. Many nurses agree with everything they learn during
the course. The nurses try to put themselves in other people's positions while also analyzing their
What actions have you taken that illustrate your personal nursing philosophy?
As a nurse, I take up my responsibility with passion and courage. I practice with my
nursing philosophy in mind and maintaining my morals, beliefs, and values. I also attend to my
patients with love and respect, which will make them feel comfortable while receiving
healthcare. I ensure to provide efficient patient care until a patient gets to recover fully. The
primary focus of the nursing practice is the patient. It is the role and responsibility of a nurse to
provide compassionate care to every patient with no discrimination or judgment. Patients need
empathetic care from nurses. Thus, it is crucial for a nurse to establish a long-lasting relationship
with patients as well as attend to all their requirements. Besides, healthcare professionals such as
nurses should promote competence in holistic healthcare. I also try to incorporate the different
meta-paradigms in my practice.
Describe your own definition of the concepts involving the meta-paradigm of nursing.
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The nursing meta-paradigm is a set of ideas providing discipline and structure. The metaparadigms are important to the nursing practice. They allow better care delivery to families and
patients. The meta-paradigm offers nurses a foundation of basing their care by understanding the
different relationships between it. Person component is the first concept that focuses on a
person’s healthcare needs, psychological needs, and disease. A person’s mental status influences
their wellbeing and health. The other concept is health. The environment influences a person's
wellbeing or contributed to health dysfunctions. Disease and wellness are conceptualized
(McEwen & Wills, 2014). Besides, health is relational and contextual. Nurses should establish a
relationship with their patients, thus empowering them to help in the management of the
healthcare needs and requirements. If a patient feels cared for and comfortable, there is less
likelihood of patients complaining due to increased treatment.
The next meta-paradigm concept is environmental, which refers to the external aspects
that can distract and influence a patient, such as friends, family, or economic status, social and
physical factors that are related. Social health determinants help in supporting nurses in
predicting and explaining health outcomes as well as their framework. Nursing science is an art
and practice. It refers to the ability to care for a patient by solving their health concerns. It is
achieved by educating a patient, offering preventive measures, promoting wellbeing, and helping
in the healing process. Nursing science, thus, is a knowledge body established by nursing
experience, logical analysis, and theories.
Has your first written philosophy of nursing changed? In what ways?
My nursing philosophy that has always been considerate and compassionate, has not
changed. Nursing is a wide field with the responsibility of nurses is more than administering
medication and treatment (Schiller et al., 2019). Nurses serve as listeners, friends, and at times
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therapists for both the patient and family. Nurses have the opportunity of broadening their
horizons as well as learning more about the nursing profession. Nurses can implement different
nursing theories in their daily operations. It is my responsibility to offer competent care. My
philosophy allows me to treat all patients with respect while also integrating my core values that
are autonomy, integrity, caring, and compassion. The role of a nurse becomes more comfortable
to comprehend after reviewing the meta-paradigms and also understanding one's personal
nursing philosophy.
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McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2014). Theoretical Basis for Nursing. 4th edition. Philadelphia,
PA: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Schiller, C. J. et al., (2019). But it’s legal, isn’t it? Law and ethics in nursing practice related to
medical assistance in dying. Nursing Philosophy, 20(4), e12277.
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