"Engagement" Please discuss the following:
- Estimate when installation would be more appropriate and include the factors that would influence your decision.
- Choose four of the eight ways to engage and develop three leading questions for each type of engagement that will facilitate the work.
Explanation & Answer
Effective Engagement
Institutional Affiliation
Engagement is one of the most useful tools used in marketing to create a lasting
relationship with the customer. It is crucial to engage with clients in the product development to
integrate their needs and expectations within the product. Business leaders often use strategic and
resourceful contents to engage with customers which enable them to create meaningful
interactions over time (Maak, 2007). Installation would be more appropriate whenever there is a
decline in consumer interest in the product. It should be noted that installation must be carefully
planned and this means that business leader must carefully assess the market, the customers and
whether the installation will boost the client's interest by improving the quality of the product.
Factors that would induce this decision include the ability of the installation to create a unique
value proposition, availability of the required personnel to manage the new installation and
above all t...
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