Grossmont College Sociology Discussion

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Grossmont College


    1. What is the most memorable information to you?
    2. What information connects to your life?
  1. Review the instructions for the Film Analysis Paper, as well as the Prohibited Films List:
    1. What are 2-3 films you have in mind for the assignment?
    2. Include a brief (3 sentences) synopsis of each.
    3. (Links to an external site.)
    4. 2. "Race in the 21st Century - Part 2 of 2" by Prof. Myers (15 minutes, closed captioned (Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)
      2. "Module 5: Review" by Prof. Myers (7 minutes) (Links to an external site.)

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Explanation & Answer

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Sociology Discussion Question

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Sociology Discussion Question
The first film is on race in the twenty-first century. It talks about racism and several fallacies
regarding racism and also different types of racism at different levels. It also talks about what is
meant by symbolic violence and how racism interconnects with other forms of social division.
The second film addresses the question is race a biological reality. It includes biological
determinism, people's assumptions that racial groups are genetically different, and genetics. The
second film will explain some physical differences, IQ, and athletic ability, among others,
between different races.
The most memorable information to me was on the five fallacies. The first fallacy is the
individual fallacy which assumes thatracism fits the territory of bias and ideas. The second
fallacy l understood was the legalistic fallacy. The legalistic fallacy assumes that if we get rid of
racism laws, people will do racism, but some laws are against car theft, but still, that does not
mean that your car won't be stolen. The third fallacy is the tokenistic fallacy, and it assumes that
if people of color hold critical positions, that indicates that there is no racism. The fourth fallacy
is the ahistorical fallacy, and it assumes that history is unimportant and the recent ones are the
ones that matter. The fifth fallacy is the fixed fallacy, and it assumes that racism is continuous
and immobile across time and space.
The information that connects to my life the most is on whiteness. Whiteness is the most
dominant category among other races. Many people assume that white is privileged compared to
other races. Whiteness is presented as usual or neutral. Whiteness does not make life easier,
people have hard life all over the world, but many people perceive that white people get a lot of
privileges compared to others.


In conclusion, both films have some connection which is racism. From the films, I have
learned about the different types of racism, the five fallacies of racism, whiteness, and race in
social reality, among others. People should not be racist, and they should treat each other equally
since all of us are human beings living our lives in the world.


1. References (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site


Sociology Discussion Question

Professor’s Name
Student’s Name


Sociology Discussion Question
The first film is on race in the twenty-first century. It talks about racism and several fallacies
regarding racism and also different types of racism at different levels. It also talks about what is
meant by symbolic violence and how racism interconnects with other forms of social division.
The second film addresses the question is race a biological reality. It includes biological
determinism, people's assumptions that racial groups are genetically different, and genetics. The
second film will explain some physical differences, IQ, and athletic ability, among others,
between different races.
The most memorable information to me was on the five fallacies. The first fallacy is the
individual fallacy which assumes thatracism fits the territory of bias and ideas. The second
fallacy l understood was the legalistic fallacy. The legalistic fallacy assumes that if we get rid of
racism laws, people will do racism, but some laws are against car theft, but still, that does not
mean that your car won't be stolen. The third fallacy is the tokenistic fallacy, and it assumes that
if people of color hold critical positions, that indicates that there is no racism. The fourth fallacy
is the ahistorical fallacy, and it assumes that history is unimportant and the recent ones are the
ones that matter. T...

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