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Georgia Cyber Academy Of Beetles and Angels Theme Tracker Worksheet
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Georgia Cyber Academy
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Of Beetles and Angels Theme Tracker
Complete the following theme tracker as you read Of Beetles and Angels.
The following thematic topics are explored in the text.
1. Faith
2. Courage
3. Hard Work
4. Human Resilience
Select at least one thematic topic from the choices above and develop its theme throughout the
text. You must find at least 5 examples of textual evidence within the novel to support your
What thematic topic are you planning to track while you read Of Beetles and Angels?
Note the thematic topic you’re planning to track below.
Thematic Topic
What evidence can you find to support this topic?
Make sure to note the chapter, page number, and quote from the text. Also, add notes about the literary
element(s) (i.e.- characterization, theme, symbol, etc) that contribute to this topic and why they’re
important to your overall analysis.
Chapter & Page
Literary Elements
What message (theme) does author Mawi Asgedom want you to understand?
Compose a well-written (minimum of 5 sentences) paragraph using at least 2 examples of textual evidence
to support your claim.
8:40 1
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Assignment Details
Multicultural Literature and C - 23.0670002
The following Theme Tracker was designed to
help you make the connection between a
thematic idea in our text and the literary
elements that contribute to it (e.g.,
characterization, setting, symbolism).
While you read and analyze the text in class,
keep in mind that you are looking for what the
author, Mawi Asgedom, is saying about the
human experience (theme) and what tools he
uses to convey that idea.
Complete the following Theme Tracker linked
below to help you track and analyze themes
present in Of Beetles and Angels. The Theme
Tracker must be COMPLETE to earn Extra
Of Beetles and Angels Theme Tracker
Students who submit the Theme Tracker will
receive 10 extra points on their lowest
coursework grade from the following options:
• IC4 Fall Forward Quiz
• IC4 Logical Fallacies Quiz
• IC5 Foundations of Poetry Quiz
• IC5 Poetry Foundations Quiz
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