Stanford University Healthcare Model Presentation

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Health Medical

Stanford University


With all of the conversation and controversy surrounding healthcare structures and governance, healthcare leaders must articulate a thoughtful position regarding an optimal health care model based on sound research, best practices, and one's philosophy of health care. The model must optimize the quality of care while also balancing financial requirements and organizational sustainability. In this assignment, you will articulate such a model.

The Executive Project requires each student to create a healthcare program centered on enhancing the quality and reducing the cost of care. You should prepare your executive project in a PowerPoint Presentation (ppt) format. Your ppt. should meet these requirements:

At least 12 slides in length, not including title, references, table of contents slides. The ideal ppt. Content slides length is between 12-16 slides.

Include detailed speaker notes of 100 words per content slide. Each content slide must have speaker notes. The speaker notes are used to ensure that the presentation is fully documented and self-explanatory.

You should utilize a minimum of 10 current and high-quality references; five (5) of them are from peer-reviewed articles. References should be published within five years.

To enhance your ppt's relevance and content, you should include relevant images, visuals, tables/charts, etc.

Voice-over-Powerpoint (VoP) is not required but recommended.

The ppt. should be formatted to meet professional standards and expectations. The use of proper APA formatting and citations is required.

Ensure the entire project ppt., Content meets the UC's academic integrity and writing policy. SafeAssign score should be less than 15%, not including the references slide.

The Executive Project should include:

Part I:

Goals, Objectives, Scope (organization type, type of services, employees, target market, etc.), Structure, Policy, procedure, etc.).You can choose any healthcare organization and topic as long as you have access to its data and information to help you create this project.

Part II:

Articulate a healthcare structure model and governance that optimizes healthcare quality while also balancing financial and operational requirements and the organization's sustainability in the long run. Include the following in your model:

A brief statement of your philosophy of healthcare.

Articulation of an optimal model of healthcare structure and governance.

A brief rationale for the healthcare model is presented above. The rationale should describe how the model optimizes care quality and balances financial requirements and organizational sustainability.

Assess how best practices in delivering medical care in international healthcare systems can be benchmarked and adapted into the U.S. healthcare delivery system.

A proposal of how the healthcare model articulated above can be operationalized in a real-world setting

Ideas for an Executive Project include:

Leadership Development Program

Continuous Quality Improvement Program

Organizational Effectiveness Program

Physician Engagement Program

Clinical Innovative Program

Patient Satisfaction Program

Information Management Systems and Data Analytics Program

This assignment will be graded based on rubrics that integrate the following:

Organization and Formatting (20%).

PPT. Content Coverage (40%)

Speaker Notes (20%)

Grammar & APA Writing Style (20%)

This assignment is due on Day 3, Wednesday (April 20, 2022) of the final Learning Week. A late assignment will not be accepted or graded. So, plan to submit this assignment on time.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Please check it out and let me know in case of anything. Don't forget to rate the answer once satisfied.

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Create a healthcare model that optimize healthcare services.
To articulate an optimal healthcare organization structure.

To articulate an effective healthcare mo...

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