SUNY BU Historical Geography Ethnic Economic Success Questions

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SUNY Binghamton University


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Ethnic Economic Success? Sowell calculated median income for US ethnic groups as of about 1970. Since then, changes in the Census Bureau data have made it impossible to make similar calculations, but it is possible to do so for “races”. Here are recent (2015) data, converted to an index value, as Sowell did: Asians Non-Hispanic White US average Hispanic Black 133 112 100 77 65 Compare these values with Sowell’s. Note that when Sowell did his research Mexicans and Puerto Ricans were almost the only Hispanics in the US, while his “West Indian” category probably included Jamaicans and Haitians, primarily. (In a racial classification they would be categorized as “black”.) 1) What trends do you see? (a trend can include no change) Asians: Whites: Hispanics: Blacks: 2) What explanations for these trends seem plausible to you? (these could include income of immigrating group; education; culture; discrimination; proportion of group who are recent immigrants; and other explanations.) Justify your answer. Asians: Whites: Hispanics: Blacks: 3) What do these data suggest about the notion of “white privilege”?
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Ethnic Economic Success?

Sowell calculated median income for US ethnic groups as of about 1970. Since then,
changes in the Census Bureau data have made it impossible to make similar calculations,
but it is possible to do so for “races”. Here are recent (2015) data, converted to an index
value, as Sowell did:



Non-Hispanic White 112
US average






Compare these values with Sowell’s. Note that when Sowell did his research Mexicans
and Puerto Ricans were almost the only Hispanics in the US, while his “West Indian”
category probably included Jamaicans and Haitians, primarily. (In ...

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