Week2 diss 2

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Prior to engaging in this discussion, be sure to read Chapters 4 and 5 from the textbook and review the information included in the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” detailed summary, the information provided on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website, and any relevant Instructor Guidance.

Presently, the United States is a fragmented system that offers a misdistribution of “haves” and “have nots” which impact the cost of delivering health care. The United States is currently a nation of overinsured, underinsured, and uninsured people. In light of the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), how do you see these issues being corrected so that a majority of the population has access to quality health care? In an initial post of 250-300 words, communicate the relevant aspects of the ACA that will impact these issues. Analyze and describe how the role of public policy will affect changes in this distribution. Evaluate and explain some of the social-cultural issues that might present potential problems as this plays out across the country. What implications associated with the ACA might lead to a paradigm shift in the ways in which we view access to health care?

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Explanation & Answer



Affordable Healthcare
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There has been an ongoing challenge to the ability to access health care for the
citizens of the US. The Affordable Care Act seeks to ensure that as many people as possible
are able to access health care services. The feature of the act that ensures this is that it has a
provision that makes it a legal requirement for every citizen to be insured (Lee, 2009). This
will prompt many people to ensure that they are co...

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