MTH216 University of Phoenix Prediction of Tires Sales Presentation

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MTH 216

University of Phoenix


Create a 5- to 7-minute presentation that must include:

  • Introduction (approximately 1 minute) (CLO 2.1.2*)
    • Introduce your topic and question.
    • Why did it interest you? How does it relate to life?
    • What should the audience learn from your presentation?
  • Visuals/Evidence (approximately 4 to 5 minutes) (CLO 2.2.1* & 2.2.3*)
    • Show your data table, scatterplot, other 2 visuals, calculations, and any other evidence to support your conclusion(s).
    • Explain what information in the data tables is not needed for your analysis.
    • Discuss why you selected each visual and what you can conclude from the visuals.
    • How do these visuals support your conclusion?
  • Conclusion (approximately 1 minute) (CLO 2.2.2* & 2.1.2*)
    • Restate your topic and question and give your answer to the scenario.
    • How confident are you that your conclusion is sound?
    • What work would need to be done to increase your confidence?
    • Discuss what you learned from this project.

Include detailed speaker notes for each slide.

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Health Services and Nursing Scenario Topic 1 Scenario 1 Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Predicting Expected Medicare Payers Review data of the expected payers that used Medicare 2003 to 2014. Predict the percentage of expected payers that will use Medicare in 2018. County Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Zip Code 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 Medicare payers 35612 37412 39841 40123 43122 44125 51229 59748 57008 56727 57985 63123 Security and Criminal Justice Scenario Predicting Total US correctional population Review the data on persons supervised by U.S. adult correctional systems by correctional Scenario 2 status. Predict the number of the United States population that will be supervised by U.S. adult correctional system in 2018. Topic 2 Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total US correctional population 6,467,800 6,584,900 6,730,900 6,886,800 6,997,000 7,055,600 7,199,700 3,046,700 7,313,600 7,235,200 7,086,500 6,989,200 6,945,100 6,903,200 6,851,000 Probation 3,839,400 3,934,500 3,995,000 4,073,800 4,140,400 4,162,300 4,236,800 4,293,000 4,270,100 4,196,200 4,053,600 3,969,400 3,940,800 3,910,600 3,864,100 Parole 725,500 731,100 753,100 773,500 775,900 784,400 798,200 826,100 828,200 824,100 840,700 854,600 857,800 855,200 856,900 Humanities and Sciences Scenario Topic 3 Scenario 3 Year Yearly Tuition 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 $29,450 $24,444 $20,288 $17,245 $16,412 $15,984 $8,618 $7,153 $5,937 $14,658 $13,549 $12,435 Predicted College Tuition and Fees Review college data of the yearly tuition & fees. Predict the cost of yearly tuition and fees in 2018. Books & Supplies $1,250 $1,038 $861 $732 $625 $600 $1,200 $996 $827 $703 $699 $612 Living Costs $12,400 $10,292 $8,542 $7,261 $6,532 $5,899 $15,682 $13,016 $10,803 $9,183 $5,771 $5,256 Yearly Tuition & Fees $44,190 $36,679 $30,442 $25,876 $24,112 $22,984 $25,770 $21,389 $17,753 $24,702 $20,142 $18,415 nario y tuition and fees in 2018. Social Sciences Scenario Predicting Teen Communication Preferences Review the data on communication preferences with teens. Predict how many high-school teens will Scenario 4 prefer to use face-to-face communication in 2018. Topic 4 Communication Preference Age School Level 2000 2001 2002 Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Teen Teen Teen HS HS HS 2003 Face to Face Teen HS 76 2004 Face to Face Teen HS 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 55 49 50 43 42 36 23 30 15 13 8 5 Logarithmic Regression 120 Number of Teens 87 98 Year 86 120 y = -12105ln(x) + 92102 R² = 0.9473 Number of Teens 100 80 60 40 20 0 1998 -20 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Year 2010 2012 2014 2016 ario edict how many high-school teens will Business Scenario Topic 5 Scenario 5 Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Predicting Tires Purchased Review the yearly data involving tires purchased at a tire shop with declining business. Predict how m tires will need to be in stock to have available for the customers in 2018. Tires Wheels Lugnuts Purchased Purchased Purchased 20,478 20,018 28,592 15,478 18,274 9,967 11,148 13,086 11,148 17,916 14,659 14,659 13,390 9,697 8,080 16,146 25,698 18,425 18,456 32,237 15,132 12,570 21,404 9,173 16,243 14,993 7,184 15,628 18,346 9,852 18,063 14,193 6,999 7,122 3,052 3,713 6,649 3,740 3,586 9,217 4,748 3,994 6,235 3,662 2,733 16,542 12,426 8,145 12,459 8,743 11,405 9,322 5,243 6,033 8,704 4,687 4,491 9,904 4,661 5,028 ing business. Predict how many Education Scenario Topic 6 Scenario 6 Predicting SAT Test Scores Review the data on the average SAT scores of college-bound seniors from 2002-2015. Predict the 2018. Average SAT-Mathematics of college-bound seniors Year 2002 2003 2004 All students Average White Black Mexican American Puerto Rican Other Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaska Native 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 540 530 426 460 566 467 529 531 426 458 451 465 530 533 427 457 451 464 522 534 426 457 453 464 531 531 427 458 452 465 523 536 431 463 457 469 525 536 429 465 456 463 530 534 429 466 454 463 565 566 569 575 577 580 578 578 481 479 483 482 488 493 494 494 ario 2002-2015. Predict the average SAT scores of college-bound seniors in 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 525 537 426 463 453 461 520 536 426 463 450 461 519 536 428 467 452 462 516 535 427 466 452 462 518 536 428 465 452 461 514 534 429 464 453 461 581 587 591 595 595 597 491 493 492 488 489 486 Health Services and Nursing Scenario Topic 1 Scenario 1 Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Predicting Expected Medicare Payers Review data of the expected payers that used Medicare 2003 to 2014. Predict the percentage of expected payers that will use Medicare in 2018. County Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Humbolt Zip Code 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 90001 Medicare payers 35612 37412 39841 40123 43122 44125 51229 59748 57008 56727 57985 63123 Security and Criminal Justice Scenario Predicting Total US correctional population Review the data on persons supervised by U.S. adult correctional systems by correctional Scenario 2 status. Predict the number of the United States population that will be supervised by U.S. adult correctional system in 2018. Topic 2 Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total US correctional population 6.467.800 6.584.900 6.730.900 6.886.800 6.997.000 7.055.600 7.199.700 3.046.700 7.313.600 7.235.200 7.086.500 6.989.200 6.945.100 6.903.200 6.851.000 Probation 3.839.400 3.934.500 3.995.000 4.073.800 4.140.400 4.162.300 4.236.800 4.293.000 4.270.100 4.196.200 4.053.600 3.969.400 3.940.800 3.910.600 3.864.100 Parole 725.500 731.100 753.100 773.500 775.900 784.400 798.200 826.100 828.200 824.100 840.700 854.600 857.800 855.200 856.900 Humanities and Sciences Scenario Topic 3 Scenario 3 Year Yearly Tuition 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 $29.450 $24.444 $20.288 $17.245 $16.412 $15.984 $8.618 $7.153 $5.937 $14.658 $13.549 $12.435 Predicted College Tuition and Fees Review college data of the yearly tuition & fees. Predict the cost of yearly tuition and fees in 2018. Books & Supplies $1.250 $1.038 $861 $732 $625 $600 $1.200 $996 $827 $703 $699 $612 Living Costs $12.400 $10.292 $8.542 $7.261 $6.532 $5.899 $15.682 $13.016 $10.803 $9.183 $5.771 $5.256 Yearly Tuition & Fees $44.190 $36.679 $30.442 $25.876 $24.112 $22.984 $25.770 $21.389 $17.753 $24.702 $20.142 $18.415 nario y tuition and fees in 2018. Social Sciences Scenario Predicting Teen Communication Preferences Review the data on communication preferences with teens. Predict how many high-school teens will Scenario 4 prefer to use face-to-face communication in 2018. Topic 4 Communication Preference Age School Level 2000 2001 2002 Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Teen Teen Teen HS HS HS 2003 Face to Face Teen HS 76 2004 Face to Face Teen HS 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Face to Face Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS 55 49 50 43 42 36 23 30 15 13 8 5 Logarithmic Regression 120 Number of Teens 87 98 Year 86 120 y = -12105ln(x) + 92102 R² = 0,9473 Number of Teens 100 80 60 40 20 0 1998 -20 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Year 2010 2012 2014 2016 ario edict how many high-school teens will Business Scenario Topic 5 Scenario 5 Predicting Tires Purchased Review the yearly data involving tires purchased at a tire shop with declining business. Predict how m tires will need to be in stock to have available for the customers in 2018. Tires Wheels Lugnuts Purchased Purchased Purchased 20.478 20.018 28.592 15.478 18.274 9.967 11.148 13.086 11.148 17.916 14.659 14.659 13.390 9.697 8.080 16.146 25.698 18.425 18.456 32.237 15.132 12.570 21.404 9.173 16.243 14.993 7.184 15.628 18.346 9.852 18.063 14.193 6.999 7.122 3.052 3.713 6.649 3.740 3.586 9.217 4.748 3.994 6.235 3.662 2.733 16.542 12.426 8.145 12.459 8.743 11.405 9.322 5.243 6.033 8.704 4.687 4.491 9.904 4.661 5.028 Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 1995 Tires Purchased Per Year 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2015 1996 1997 1998 1999 2009 2003 2008 2004 2007 2006 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2005 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ing business. Predict how many Tires Purchased Per Year y = -442,2x + 899919 R² = 0,3593 2000 2005 Tires Purchased 2010 2015 Linear (Tires Purchased) Tires Purchased Per Year Chart 25000 20478,0 20000 18456,0 17916,0 1999 2000 15478,0 16146,0 18063,0 16243,0 15628,0 15000 13390,0 2001 12570,0 2002 11148,0 2002 10000 2003 5000 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 0 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Year 10 11 Tires Purchased 2020 sed Per Year Chart 18063,0 16542,0 12459,0 9904,0 9322,0 9217,0 7122,0 6649,0 9904,0 8704,0 6235,0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 11 12 Tires Purchased 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Education Scenario Topic 6 Scenario 6 Predicting SAT Test Scores Review the data on the average SAT scores of college-bound seniors from 2002-2015. Predict the 2018. Average SAT-Mathematics of college-bound seniors Year 2002 2003 2004 All students Average White Black Mexican American Puerto Rican Other Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaska Native 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 540 530 426 460 566 467 529 531 426 458 451 465 530 533 427 457 451 464 522 534 426 457 453 464 531 531 427 458 452 465 523 536 431 463 457 469 525 536 429 465 456 463 530 534 429 466 454 463 565 566 569 575 577 580 578 578 481 479 483 482 488 493 494 494 ario 2002-2015. Predict the average SAT scores of college-bound seniors in 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 525 537 426 463 453 461 520 536 426 463 450 461 519 536 428 467 452 462 516 535 427 466 452 462 518 536 428 465 452 461 514 534 429 464 453 461 581 587 591 595 595 597 491 493 492 488 489 486
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MTH 216

• The selected topic is the prediction of tires sales
• The question that is focused is “Review the yearly data involving tires purchased at a tire shop with
declining business. Predict how many tires will need to be in stock to have available for the custom...

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