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Recently, human resources (HR) recruiters have utilized their company Web site job board, online job boards, social media, and other industry-specific job boards or Web sites to fill all types of positions. As an HR recruiter, you are in need of new employees for a forecasted expansion to a call center that is opening up in 2 months and that is just 20 miles away. Think creatively and find some new, unique, and innovative ways to find candidates. Research and address the following:

  • Discuss 2 new technology options that the company could use to find candidates.
  • Would you use these new options to also locate new managers for the new location? Why or why not?
  • Have you found statistical evidence of the new options for finding qualified candidates?
  • Do you feel like these new options are trends? Why or why not?

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Explanation & Answer







Staffing Organization

New technology options that the company could use to find candidates.

The advent of technology has revolutionized how recruiters within the human resource
domain are locating candidates needed for different positions within an organization. One of the
benefits that technology gives recruiters is that they have a cost-effective method of recruiting.
Further technology gives recruiters the capacity to track applicants, evaluate, screen and
communicate with them effectively. Human resource recruiters have realized the advantages
brought by using new forms of technology and are maximizing them. The prevalent forms of
technology that can be used to find candidates to take various positions in a company are
crowdsourcing and video forums (Recruiting, Hiring n.d.). One of the objectives of recruiters is
to minimize the costs associated with recruiting candidates. Human resource technology trends
like video and crowdsourcing fulfill the role of recruiting and saving money. Video recruiting is
a way of giving the recruite...

Goes above and beyond expectations!


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