UCI Political Science City of Anaheim’s Public Meeting Essay

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Please do watch the video its just under an hour, please describe what goes on in the meeting, please mention the speakers and their issues, how some speakers use profanity and how some speakers came dressed in a funny micky mouse outfit, etc. just be descriptive of the whole situation, notes will be attached also.

Here are the instructions 

Summarize the meeting you attended, adding the time, date and type of meeting. No need

to list the members of the city council, Board of Supervisors, etc. Just tell me what you
observed. (Although I do like to know who your mayor is.)
? It may help to ask yourself a few questions – What did I find interesting? Informative?
Surprising? Not what I had expected? Who was in attendance? Was the public allowed to
participate? Did you participate by asking questions or commenting on the proceedings?
(Not all public meetings are interesting, they can, in fact be boring. What was your take
on the meeting itself?)
? Describe the experience and let me know if you went alone or with a guest and whether
the meeting was the topic of discussion afterward between the two of you.
? If those conducting the meeting were elected officials, did it seem as if they were
engaged, and sincere? Would you vote for any or all of these members in the next
Part II
? Before you attend the meeting, take some time and make the effort to find out what the
important local issues are in your home town. If the city’s meeting you attend is in your
home town, fine, but regardless, read local papers, do some research, look on your
city’s website, phone a city council member and just ask – what are the two or three
top problems the city wrestles with currently?
? Were any of those issues you found addressed in the meeting you attended? If you
attended a meeting outside of your home town: Were your home town problems similar
or different from those addressed at the meeting you attended?
Parts I and II can be in any order. Add a final page with a selfie from the meeting.
Keep it at 4 – 5 pages, at the most
Double space
Only your name, POSC 100, Spring 2022, & Time Class Meets at the top
Use proper citations when citing the research you have found on your city’s problems
I will be posting a “turn it in” here link on Titanium and will not accept printed copies.
Part of your grade is spelling and grammar, and I don’t care what you feel or believe, but
what you THINK. So don’t write, “I feel that....” Write – I think...

Video link

Here is the video.


Unformatted Attachment Preview

"I didn't expect people to use such foul profanity in such a serious government room, I thought people would take this meeting a bit more seriously, it seemed like it was more of a comedy show, it was super unorganized and hard to watch due to second hand embarrassment, even at one point the city council members started arguing and talking over each other. I personally thought it would be more of a professional environment and less chaotic. I didn't know what to expect but this for sure wasn't what I was expecting. Additionally the council members seemed like they didn't care, not a care in the world, they looked bored and unimpressed. It seemed like that couldn't care less about what the community had to say. Even at one point a city council member walked off to do something else when someone was up on the podium talking."Public meeting notes Apr 12, 2022 at 5:12 PM American Gov (april 12) PUBLIC MEETING • First speaker: Library representative, poet speaker • First public speaker: Asks for moble home rental forgiveness •Second public speaker: Asking how are they going to hive police if we have no money • Third speaker: Want's council to get jobs for homeless • Fourth speaker: Disney lover, magazine worker • Fith speaker: Fetinol concern • Sixth speaker: School board concern, says most of Anaheim Comes From Disney • Seventh speaker: City concerns, says that the city is decaying Fix Beach blvd. money in • Eigth speaker: Latinos don't have enough translators in the city of Anaheim. • Ninth speaker: Freeway traffic is getting out of hand • Tenth speaker: Her son was killed by Anaheim police officer in 2012. Argue that police take too long to respond to all. Wants to bring awareness to mental health. • Eleventh speaker: Asks for council to speak to police. Be close to the law enforcement. • Twelth speaker: Concern for stolen items, we need people to take Stolen items more seriously. • Thir tenth speaker: Concern for homelessness, drugs, crime main concern is for the homlessness • Fourteenth speaker: Concern for homlessness, actually DO something for homeless. Care for residency. Care for the ACTUAL residancy not Just for Angels, Disney. 1 39 City Council members - District 3: Dr. Jose F. Moreno - District 1: Jose Diaz District 2: Gloria Sahagun Mayor: Harry S. Sidhu, P.E. City Managers 4 people on board 1:07:38 9 V + : 0 - District 6: Trevor O'neil - District 5: Stephen Faessel - District 4: Avelino Valencia Obersvations: City Council looks bored / unconcerned, distracted. Public main concern Seems to be that we have no money in the city. They were mostly concerned for homlessness. After public speakers, city managers spoke.
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Explanation & Answer

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City of Anaheim’s Public Meeting

Student’s Name
POSC 100
Spring 2022
Time Class Meets

City of Anaheim’s Public Meeting
Part I
Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to attend a public meeting in my hometown, the
City of Anaheim. The meeting, chaired by Mayor Harry S. Sidhu, P.E., focused on discussing
ways to tackle various pressing problems impacting people's lives across the City to improve the
lives and well-being of people living in Anaheim. There was a great deal of discussion about
various issues related to bankruptcy, housing, and employment opportunities. It was clear that
residents were eager for change and willing to work together towards these goals. It was an
informative meeting that left me inspired by the passion and determination of the residents of
At the City of Anaheim meeting, I found many things to be both informative and
surprising. In attendance were students from a local school, managers from different businesses,
and members of the public. The public was allowed to participate, every speaker airing their
concerns about what the City government needs to work on to change the lives of Anaheim
residents. It is informative to learn that there are various ways that the city leaders are actively
working to become more sustainable and that residents can get involved in these efforts. The
Mayor mentioned that the community members were allowed to make any comments on the
things they wanted the City government to address. I did not know that the public's voice was
important to the process, and I was surprised by this revelation.
I attended the meeting alone, but the experience was eye-opening and definitely
something I wanted to discuss with a guest afterward. The meeting was abo...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.


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