Cloud Computing Discussion

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1- With suitable examples, explain the difference between the concept of grid computing and cloud


2- As an IT expert, describe a scenario for each cloud solution where you will recommend AWS (Amazon),

Azure (Microsoft) and Google Cloud

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Explanation & Answer

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A client-server computer paradigm in which resources are handled centrally is called
cloud computing. It is available on a pay-per-use basis. Cloud computing allows the system
to be accessed at any time. Grid computing is a network of computers of the same or different
types whose goal is to create an environment in which numerous computers may complete a
task simultaneously as needed (Singh, 2019). Each computer can also function independently.
Organizations employ grid computing internally. Computing in the cloud Users must pay to
access cloud computing resources.
They don't have to do anything. Platform as a service is what they utilize, while on the
other hand, Grid computing must first be set up. Once the setup is complete, the user is not
required to pay anything. Cloud computing is a service that is very easy to use. When
opposed to cloud computing, grid computing has a lower level of accessibility. Resources are
handled centrally in Cloud Computing. Grid Computing manages resources based on a
collaborative pattern. While commonly thought of as a decentralized computing project, Grid
computing may also be used locally.
A basic illustration of grid computation in act is a stable that dispenses an established
of technical lumps consecutively in a bunch to wide up a particular task collaboratively.
Operators may access storing, data, software, and headwaiters over the cloud by means of
any internet-connected device, together with computers, cell headphones, tablets, and

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