History Question

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Northern Virginia Community College


You worked on a history paper for me a couple of weeks ago. I got a bad grade on it. Is there any way you could correct it? My grade has dropped significantly.

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Final Project: SUBMIT HERE Final Project Apr 28 by 11:59pm Comments MAJOR PROBLEM: 62 Only 1 Citation and its to an author who is NOT in your bibliography? You either did not do the required research - OR - you have plagiarized your sources. Because there is historical information in this paper, but you have not cited it. Proctored Exam: HIS 101. Final 100 Maybe you were confused? EVEN IF YOU PARAPHRASE Information and put it in your own words, you must cite. For example you wrote "Under Augustus' reign, Rome built 50,000 miles of roads" - okay, where did you get that information from? that is a very specific data point, so you must have gotten it from somewhere. Technically, this is plagiarism. Not sure if it is due to laziness or ignorance however. Bibliography is NOT formatted correctly either. Should have sent this to me as a rough draft. The thesis should be edited - this paper is NOT about the roman republic, it is about the Roman Empire and its Enduring Influence. So thesis is not a great fit for this paper either. Close Frank Cerutti, Apr 26 at 3:34pm Show All X
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Why the Roman Empire Succeeded and the Impact on the World

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The Roman Empire and the Roman Republic
Rome has an extensive and thrilling history. Rome's ancient population consisted of
Latins, Sabines, and Estruscans. The Roman Republic and the Roman Empire are the two
governments that significantly helped shape the history of Rome. The Roman Republic dated
from 509BC to 27BC (Knutsen & Hall, 2021). The Roman Republic era started after
overthrowing the Roman Kingdom, and it would come to an end with the rise of the Roman
Empire. The two systems had various similarities, including making advancements in the way of
life, and they all ended in civil wars and conflicts (Sirks, 2018). The two kingdoms lasted about
the same number of years, and both show histories of great conquest and also demolishing of
civil wars and enemies (Knutsen & Hall, 2021). However, the Roman Republic and Empire had
various differences, which shaped the operations of each kingdom. The Roman Republic used a
constitutional form of government, and, therefore, representative democracy thrived.
On the other hand, the Roman Empire was monarchical, as it was headed by one man
who acted as the emperor. Also, the Roman Republic was in a constant state of war, explaining
why it later collapsed. The success and advancements witnessed in ancient Rome can be
attributed to the Roman Empire. The first 200 years of the Empire were peaceful and prosperous,
which saw the Empire significantly transform Rome through economic development and
advancements in art and technology (Knutsen & Hall, 2021). In addition to transforming Rome,
the Roman Empire impacted the rest of the world through art and architecture, language and
literature, and the law and criminal justice system. The paper focuses on the rise and the fall of
the Roman Empire; how itcame into being, and how it impacted Rome and the rest of the world.
The fall of the Roman Republic



The Roman Republic existed for 500 years before it collapsed (Knutsen & Hall, 2021).
The Roman had a Constitution that shaped a system of government and formed the basis of the
democracies witnessed today around the world. The system of government adopted by the
Roman Republic allowed citizens to vote for political officials, and the operations of the
government and its people were governed by clearly-defined laws (Knutsen & Hall, 2021).
However, the Roman Republic was not short of challenges. The system of government was
complex, as it had many councils and leaders at different levels (Jongman et al., 2019). The
growth of the Republic brought various challenges ranging from economic problems to private
armies and crimes. The expansion increased revenues and money for the Republic (Knutsen &
Hall, 2021). Corruption and bribery were on the rise as government officials competed to access
this money and gain power. Commoners lost trust in the Senate. Rich people would buy votes.
Enslaved people were captured, leading to cheap labor that hurt the lower classes. The
agricultural system was also disrupted. There was no police force, which led to high rates of
crimes in Rome. People feared for their lives and safety. The rise of Julius Caesar as the emperor
led to the eventual fall of the Roman Republic in 27BCE.
How the Roman Empire Rose to ...

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