MIS6995 information system capstone SU01

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Computer Science

South University


Pick an enterprise of your choice. You may use an actual enterprise, or a fictional enterprise you defined for your case studies in previous courses. Research the company and develop a 300-word report in a Microsoft Word document that:

  • Describes the IT impact and strategic alignment of the chosen company.
  • Provides an assessment of the future needs of the company for new IT capabilities.
  • Outlines the suggested new capabilities as they relate to the organizational structure and the company's mission.
  • Contains SWOT analysis for the company you choose for your final project. Research SWOT on the Internet to learn how to perform and format the analysis. Include a SWOT chart (table) and a written description of each element listed in the chart. You may use what you have learned in this week's lectures and readings to assist you in determining the questions that should be answered to develop an accurate SWOT analysis. Explain how you can use the SWOT analysis to assist you in developing a corporate strategy for the company.

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Explanation & Answer

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Information system capstone SU01
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IT impact and strategic alignment of Amazon
In addition to organizational cultures, Information technology (IT) and business
strategies shape the operations and services offered by an organization. Amazon is one of the
major companies that has built an impressive foundation for investment in the latest
technological innovations and ensuring strategic alignment. The company uses specialized
information systems to achieve efficiency in not only conducting any internal operations but
also in fulfilling the needs of the customers. The impact of IT and strategy in the company has
been observed in the improvement of the collection of data from the customers and the creation
of better efficiency for the delivery of products and commodities to customers across the globe
(Arefin, Hoque, & Bao, 2015). Besides, the impact of IT and strategic alignment in the
company is also observed from the company’s successful implementation of strategies such as
promoting remote work, hence creating more opportunities for talented individuals across the
Assessment of the future needs o...

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