AUST W13 Organizational Design & the Impact of Innovations Presentation

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Topic : Organizational design for enhancing the impact of incremental innovations:

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1 Research Paper Assignment Sai Vishwanath Kanchibhotla New England College Organizational Comm for Leadr Dr. Paul Richardson March 6, 2022 2 Abstract Communication is defined as the sharing of thoughts, ideas and feelings between two or more people in order to achieve a goal. As such, effective communication is not just confined to verbal communication but is also applicable to non-verbal communication. The use of eye contact, gestures, body language and tone of voice are often effective in conveying a message. The term “body language” refers to the manner in which a person carries themselves or expresses themselves, i.e., how their body moves and communicates. Body language can communicate different emotions and attitudes and can be a very powerful tool in conveying a message, or can be a very poor communication tool depending on how it is used. Therefore, understanding the nuances of body language and its impact on different audiences can be beneficial to a communicator (Taylor et al., 2021). 3 Introduction Organizational communication is a subfield of communication studies that is concerned with the role of communication in organizational settings. Because of its focus on the social nature of communication, the field is also closely related to the broader field of social communication, which emphasizes the importance of communication in modern social organizations. As a field, organizational communication is concerned with the processes of organizing communication within organizations. Communication specialists in the field attempt to understand the nature of, and process of, communication within organizations and then make a conscious effort to use their findings to improve the quality and efficiency of communication within organizations (Connor et al., 2021). 4 Organizational Communication: Organizational communication is often considered a part of organizational behaviour. Many theorists have suggested that organizations are fundamentally social structures. To be effective, these organizations require social communication. This communication includes exchanging both verbal and nonverbal information between individuals within the organization, between employees and customers, between employees and colleagues, and among employees, clients, and stakeholders (Cruz & Sodeke, 2021). Organizational communication is how an organization communicates ideas, beliefs, plans, policies, procedures, and other important information to its members, employees, and stakeholders. The information is transmitted in words, sounds, and visuals. Organizational communication is the exchange and sharing of information in a business environment. It also comprises sharing information between two or more people. Communication also serves a function in defining, developing, and sustaining social relationships and group identity. Communication within an organization is an essential part of its success and growth and is an important way of conveying organizational knowledge. Therefore, practical organizational communication skills are required to enhance an organization's capacity to accomplish its goals (Cruz & Sodeke, 2021). Communicate organizational communication is an essential part of the success of business. This also applies to the employees themselves. They can work together effectively to meet all organizational goals if they have proper training. Organizational communication is the method of communication between employees in an organization. When we talk about proper communication, we talk about the right time, place, and person. Employees are the key to organizational communication success. A clear communication strategy gives the employees the 5 necessary tools to talk to each other and communicate their work and goals. As the business grows, it is necessary to provide the proper training for the employees. They should be trained on the various communication channels, including traditional channels like face-to-face communication and the latest ways of using online and social media communications. The organization should choose the proper communication channel to make sure that the information gets to the right person. Organizational communication is considered the key to success by the organization and its employees. If organizational communication is done with perfection, it achieves its vision, vision, and mission (Cruz & Sodeke, 2021). For successful Organizational Communication: Organizational communication is that type of activity conducted by the organization itself. Communication between various departments and teams plays a vital role in ensuring that organizational goals are met. To be a good leader, a manager must understand the business processes and know-how to lead people through them. This is exactly how, as a leader, will be judged. The stages of organizational communication are divided into three categories: (a) internal communication, (b) interpersonal communication, and (c) professional communication. Internal communication, such as messaging about the company's mission and training materials, is often found in a company's corporate office or intranets and includes the company's official mission, values, and other information. Interpersonal communication is about two-way communication between individuals within an organization. This may include communicating between a manager and his or her employees or between members of an organization that may be in different locations. The third form of communication is professional communication, such as internal company emails and other formal written communications. External groups often use professional communication, such as vendors, customers, and consultants, to communicate with 6 employees. Interpersonal communications are frequently used in many ways to ensure efficient business operations. Interpersonal communications may take the form of email, instant messaging, telephone calls, text messaging, face-to-face meetings, etc (Taylor et al., 2021). Effective Leadership: Effective leadership is a combination of both elements of leadership. Effective leadership is the first step in a successful business venture. If a business person lacks the ability to effectively lead a project, business can suffer in more ways than just the loss of potential customers or clients. With the amount of business being conducted electronically, the ability to effectively lead is critical. If leadership is a gift from God, as some would suggest, then God will provide the means for that to be. In some ways, leadership can be considered a type of magic. Since there is no clear definition for leadership, it is difficult to provide tangible results from being a leader. There are several characteristics and traits that are necessary for a leader to be effective. First, there must be a leader who has the character traits of determination, perseverance, focus, trustworthiness, etc. For most businesses, these traits must be part of the leaders that are hired, and the managers in charge (Cooren et al., 2021). The Power of Negotiation: Power of negotiation is the potential of a negotiator to affect a negotiation outcome. However, when negotiators are exposed to several power sources in a sequence, negotiations performance deteriorates. This phenomenon, called as priming effect, occurs because the interaction between these sources of power results in an outcome that is less desirable than the one expected from the effect of the single power source. An essential characteristic of the priming effect is that a single power source can be more effective than twoAlso, the relative influence of each source of power can be different (Warriner, 2019). 7 Consequently, the interaction between these sources of power can be better than the outcome produced by the effect of the single source of power or the combination of these sources of power. Outcome power is defined as the extent to which either party, in the final negotiated outcome, has achieved a level of success, and this may either be a material gain or more intangible benefits. Process power is the potential of the business people to manage the negotiations by negotiating effectively or avoiding the risks that may be encountered by poor negotiating (Taylor et al., 2021). Organizational Life cycle: The organizational life cycle is the life cycle of an organization from its creation to its termination. It also refers to the expected sequence of advancements experienced by an organization instead of a randomized occurrence of events. Organizational growth or decline refers to the change in the number or size of an organization's staff or clients. There are three forms of negotiation: 1. Soft negotiation. 2. Hard negotiation. 3. Principled negotiation. Soft negotiation: Soft negotiation is usually about convincing people they should act in a certain way to achieve something they would not want. Let us begin with the "soft" approach, probably the most controversial of these methods. This is the method of getting people to "think outside the box." To be effective, this method requires that can see the world from the other person's point of view. In business, a soft negotiator would try to get a customer to see the value in their new 8 product or service rather than convince the customer they are wrong to want what they want. It also requires empathy. Moreover, like some of the other approaches, it requires to give up interests and forgo agenda. To use this method effectively requires a strong sense of self-control and self-awareness. The problem is that peaceful negotiation can be an unconscious approach to solving problems. Hard negotiation: A hard negotiation definition is a form of persuasion whereby parties agree on a single set of rules that define who makes the initial offer, who agrees to the offer, and what actions will result in the transaction occurring. Hard bargain negotiation is a negotiating strategy that seeks to gain a better price than the other side of the negotiation. Hard Bargaining, also known as Bargaining from Strength, is a negotiation strategy whereby the best outcome is achieved when making the offer. This process may involve making a higher offer than what is likely to be accepted when the offer is made. The concept behind the negotiation is to set the groundwork for future trade by first making a solid offer that the other party will accept. The offer is often more substantial than the usual offer that may be accepted. In this case, may find that the other party will make a higher offer in the future if had previously made a stronger offer (Bak et al., 2021). Principled negotiation: Principled negotiation is used by leaders who cannot persuade. This study analyses a structured approach using a two-tier approach to negotiation that addresses the four key variables of stakeholder diversity, stakeholder interests, power, and the relationship between the parties. The study demonstrates that there are three ways that leaders can treat stakeholders during a principled negotiation; they can be treated as a strategic resource, an ally, or a nuisance. For each stakeholder type, the study analyzes the four main goals of the leader during a negotiation in order to provide solutions to the problem at hand. The solution is the outcome of the negotiation. 9 Structured negotiation is a framework that leaders can use to achieve win-win outcomes, which can be used in business, government, or the non-profit sector. The structured negotiation is also applied to leaders as the four main variables used to achieve win-win negotiation are present within the negotiation (Taylor et al., 2021). Problem Solving: Problem-solving is also an essential communication skill in an organization as it gives the individual a better chance of succeeding in the working world. However, one area of problemsolving skill that seems to cause some challenges for candidates is data to inform decisions. Problem-solving is an important ability that has become a central job requirement in today's society. Problem-solving is essential for all individuals as they progress in their chosen careers, and it is an ability that will always be necessary. Critical thinking helps us identify and evaluate our options, enables us to come up with solutions, and informs us how to proceed. It can be said that critical thinking is the basis of the most decisive. Building critical thinking and decisionmaking skills is an integral part of organizational communication (Bak et al., 2021). Group-Thinking: Group thinking is a company-wide process that requires a long-term commitment. The best companies recognize that employee brand is a key success factor in their quest for highperforming employees, customers, and shareholders. The most successful companies focus on it internally and externally, making it a critical part of their value proposition to their employees. In contrast, companies with employee brand programs often struggle to communicate their core values and aspirations internally. In addition, they often miss opportunities to communicate with new and current employees about their vision, mission, and values. Employee brand programs 10 are most successful when they are well thought out, focused, and communicated internally. The same applies to their external communication. A strong brand is a powerful medium through which a brand is expressed, and a brand is a living, breathing organism that needs to be developed, nurtured, and protected. In today's complex world, businesses often need to adapt or even reinvent their brand strategy to stay competitive in the market. To achieve brand success, one needs to analyze its history, current state, and aspirations. This analysis must be undertaken in the context of the company's unique identity, culture, and core values. In order to achieve a successful brand strategy, a business needs to align company strategies carefully, brand elements, and brand messaging with the brand's identity, culture, and core values. With this alignment, a brand strategy will become sustainable and effective (Bak et al., 2021). 11 Conclusion In today’s world, organizational communication is essential to corporate success, and it is imperative that an organization provides communication strategies for its employees that are conducive to their optimal work performance. In general, organizational communication is defined as the manner in which an organization interacts with and exchanges information with its employees and stakeholders. Communication between a company and its employees can have a tremendous impact on the performance of the company, and the communication can be in the form of either formal or informal. when leadership is needed in an organization and the differences between leadership and management. We will then focus on the four components of effective leadership, leadership ability, leadership presence, leadership vision, and leadership style. The students will have the opportunity to use the Leadership Grid to identify and rank the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities in their group. This will include an assessment of personal leadership competencies as well as group and organizational leadership competencies. After identifying and ranking, the students will learn the art of effective management through their application to their current work environment. 12 Reference Bak, O., Jordan, C., & Midgley, J. (2019). Adopting soft skills in supply chain and understanding their current role in supply chain management skills agenda: A UK perspective. Benchmarking: an international journal. Cooren, F., & Seidl, D. (2020). Niklas Luhmann’s radical communication approach and its implications for research on organizational communication. Connor, R. A., & Fiske, S. T. (2018). Warmth and competence: A feminist look at power and negotiation. In APA handbook of the psychology of women: History, theory, and battlegrounds, Vol. 1 (pp. 321-342). American Psychological Association. Cruz, J. M., & Sodeke, C. U. (2021). Debunking Eurocentrism in organizational communication theory: Marginality and liquidities in postcolonial contexts. Communication Theory, 31(3), 528-548. Taylor, B. C., Barley, W. C., Brummans, B. H., Ellingson, L. L., Ganesh, S., Herrmann, A. F., ... & Tracy, S. J. (2021). Revisiting ethnography in organizational communication studies. Management Communication Quarterly, 35(4), 623-652. Warriner, D. (2019). "The days now is very hard for my family": The negotiation and construction of gendered work identities among newly arrived women refugees. In (Re) constructing Gender in a New Voice (pp. 279-294). CRC Press. 1 Research Paper Topic Sai Vishwanath Kanchibhotla New England College Organizational Comm for Leadrs Dr. Paul Richardson February 12, 2022 2 Organizational design for enhancing the impact of incremental innovations: Organizational design for the impact of incremental innovations on a company's operations and in delivering its strategy is three basic ideas. Effective enterprise strategy starts with the company's strategic direction and is then embedded in the overall strategic order of the organization. A firm's general strategic direction is constantly in flux, evolving and continually re-evaluating in light of changing business conditions and consumer needs. The organization's strategic direction is made up of core organizational principles, values, and strategies that define a firm's position in the world and the way it views and acts towards its stakeholders (Muhammad et al., 2021). These innovations are the potential to enhance the firm's value to stakeholders. For firms in industries where the marketplace is highly regulated, and the rules and regulations are often very complex, these new products and services will likely require some degree of organizational change. For firms in industries where the marketplace is less regulated and the rules are often easy to understand and follow, the organizational changes can be relatively straightforward. In addition, for firms in which the marketplace is highly entrepreneurial, the organizational changes can be much more significant and dramatic (Muhammad et al., 2021). Organizational design for enhancing the impact of incremental innovations must be thorough, systematic, and thorough; to design and implement the invention, a corporate model must be established. The purpose of a comprehensive approach is to ensure that the full benefits of an innovation are experienced appropriately and measurably and that those benefits are incorporated into the overall process of the organization's creation. Several principles are associated with designing a new strategy or initiative. For example, with new employee identification processes, the value of identifying new employees can be enhanced by redesigning 3 the identification process from identifying all current employees to identifying all new hires and then ranking these new hires. In an operational context, information technology (IT) systems may need to be improved to bring them more in line with business logic, and information technology will need to be improved in other respects (Obeidat et al., 2021). 4 References Muhammad, F., Ikram, A., Jafri, S. K., & Naveed, K. (2021). Product innovations through ambidextrous organizational culture with mediating effect of contextual ambidexterity: an empirical study of IT and telecom firms. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(1), 9. Obeidat, U., Obeidat, B., Alrowwad, A., Alshurideh, M., Masadeh, R., & Abuhashesh, M. (2021). The effect of intellectual capital on competitive advantage: The mediating role of innovation. Management Science Letters, 11(4), 1331-1344.
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Organizational Communication for
Sai Vishwanath Kanchibhotla

Organizational Communication
➢Subfield of communication strategies

➢Organizes communication within
➢Goal is to improve quality and
efficiency of communication.


✓Part of organizational behavior.


✓Organizations are social structures.

(Part 1 of 3)

✓Effective organizations require social

✓Exchange of verbal and nonverbal

(Part 2 of 3)


➢Employees and customers

➢Communicates ideas, beliefs, plans,
policies, procedures, etc.

(Part 3 of 3)

➢Involves members, employees,


➢Transmitted in words, sounds,

➢Essential for success and growth.

➢Required to accomplish goals.

➢Right place, time, and person.

Why is Organizational
(Part 1 of 2)

➢Employees are key to

communication success.

➢Employees need tools to talk
and communicate to each other.

➢Employees require training in
various communication


Why is Organizational
(Part 2 of 2)

Proper communication between
departments is essential.
Good leaders and managers:
✓ Understand business
✓ Possess know-how
✓ Lead through them


❖Internal Communication

Stages of

❖Interpersonal Communication

(Part 1 of 4)
❖Professional communication.


Internal Communication

Stages of
(Part 2 of 4)

❖Includes the company’s mission and

❖For example, messages about
company’s goals, training materials,

Interpersonal Communication

Stages of
(Part 3 of 4)

❖Two-way communication between

❖For example, manager with
subordinates, between coworkers, or
between different offices, etc.

Professional Communication

Stages of

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