Ethnographic Comparison

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Assignment 1: Ethnographic Comparison Outline I. Identify 2-3 societies to compare (I’ll leave the choices up to you- I’m of Asian and Pacific Islander (Guam) heritage, if that helps) II. Choose one of the following aspects of human culture as a topic to discuss (again, I’ll leave the choice up to you): a. Domestic life and kinship b. Sustenance and economy c. Religion d. Culture change III. Write an introduction of the chosen topic and state why it is relevant to anthropology IV. Describe (not analyze) each chosen society’s background V. Analyze the chosen aspect a. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the chosen societies VI. Summarize and address human behavior Thank you so much in advance for helping me. Assignment 1: Ethnographic Comparison Anthropologists are interested in framing broad hypotheses about human behavior. In order to do this, it is imperative to use examples from multiple cultures to ensure that their conclusions are not grounded in a single case. In this assignment, you will be taking on the role of an ethnologist, using multiple ethnographic accounts to study human behavior and culture. Do the following: • • Identify two to three societies to compare, such as an African society (for example, Ethiopian, Liberian, etc.), Indian, Chinese, Korean, or one of the many Native American groups (for example, the Cherokee, the Inuit, etc.). Choose one aspect of human culture discussed in the course: o Domestic life and kinship o Subsistence and economy o Religion o Culture change Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, write a research paper to include the following: • • • • Describe the background information of each of the societies you have chosen. You need not analyze this background information, only provide details regarding these societies. Analyze the aspect of human culture you selected for each of the societies. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the societies in relation to the topic you chose—for example, standard of living, education, or employment opportunities. Summarize and address human behavior in relation to your topic and based on your examples. o Address the realities of life for the cultures you have examined. o Examine some of the social problems and public policy issues that become apparent. Your paper should have a title page as well as an introduction section. This introduction section should include the societies you selected as well as the human culture aspect you will be discussing and why it is relevant to anthropology. As an anthropologist, use relevant anthropological terms in your analysis. Support your statements with examples and scholarly references. Write a 4–6-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc. By Week 5, Day 5, deliver your assignment to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox. Grading Rubric Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Write an introduction of the topic you chose and describe why it is relevant to anthropology. Write background information on the 2–3 societies. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the societies in relation to the topic you chose. Summarize and discuss human behavior in relation to your topic and based on your examples. Writing Criteria Organization (16) Usage and Mechanics (16) APA Elements (24) Style (8) Total: Maximum Points 12 32 100 92 64 300
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Please let me know if there is anything needs to be changed or added. I will be also appreciated that you can let me know if there is any problem or you have not received the work Good luck in your study and if you need any further help in your assignments, please let me know Can you please confirm if you have received the work? Once again, thanks for allowing me to help you R MESSAGE TO STUDYPOOL NO OUTLINE IS NEEDED AS IT IS A DISCUSSION COMPLETED 100% PLAG CHECK .. REPORT ATTACHED GRAMMAR CHECKED - USING GRAMMARLY CITATION AND REFERENCES ACCORDING TO INSTRUCTION


Ethnographic Comparison
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Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
The Maasai .................................................................................................................................................... 3
The Korowai people of Papua New Guinea .................................................................................................. 4
Religion among the Maasai and the Korowai of Papua New Guinea ........................................................... 4
Good and evil ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Spirits ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
“Laiboni” – diviners and medicine men .................................................................................................... 5
Death......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Influence of their lifestyle on their spirituality ............................................................................................. 5
The Korowai Religion and belief ................................................................................................................... 6
Prosperity and fertility .................................................................................................................................. 6
Death......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Similarities of the Maasai and the Korowai people .................................................................................. 6
Differences of the Maasai and the Korowai ............................................................................................. 7
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
References .................................................................................................................................................... 9



Ethnographic Comparison of Korowai tribe of Papua New Guinea and The Maasai of
East Africa.With societies showing diverse aspects of human cultu...

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