Narrative Essay Assignment

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For this essay assignment, you will be asked to write a narrative about a time you had to deal with a difficult customer, coworker, teacher, family member, or friend and the important lesson that you learned from experiencing that conflict. Remember to consider the essential features of narrative writing in order to effectively tell this story. Instead of telling the reader what happened, show them using description and details. It helps to focus on one specific moment or event that willshow the reader this change or conflict. Be sure the reader knows why this story is important to share (purpose) and who this story is meant for (audience). What lesson or message are you trying to communicate and who would benefit from hearing that message?

This essay must be at least three (3) pages long, must be MLA formatted, and is due on Blackboard Thursday, September 14 by 11:59pm.

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Explanation & Answer

Hello buddy! Kindly find your paper attached below. Let me know if you have any question or need any edit. Thank you

Surname 1
Conflict with my co-worker
I believe conflicts are a common thing in workplaces and in the general life. There will
always be difficult people especially in our place of work, simply because of our different
personalities, that often times spark conflicts. Just like any employee, I was once at the center of
conflict with my co-worker, which adversely affected my relationship with the person and
concentration in job as a whole. Nevertheless, I believe dealing with a difficult co-workers has
never been fun, especially in terms of handling negative co-workers who are condescending and
likely to bring down morale.
As a new employee, conflict is the last thing that anyone would want to come across,
however, in most cases it is inevitable. Personally, dealing with employee conflict is never a thing
to do, and I believe neither is yours. Two years ago, when working in my second job, I was
unwillingly caught in a conflict with a co-worker. Her name was July, an older and evidently
intimidating woman by the virtue of her position and history of work as I came to learn over time.
As a new emp...

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