controversial environmental program

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  • Assume the governor has asked you to present an oral briefing on a controversial environmental program to a board of commissioners of a major county in the state. Three of the nine commissioners oppose the program and have experts on their staff who generally accompany them to meetings. Recommend three actions to take before the briefing and two key actions as you present the recommendation. Provide reasons to support your response.
  • Discuss at least two possible advantages and two possible disadvantages to using graphics and charts in oral briefings. Discuss the implications of these advantages and disadvantages to the one responsible for communicating public policy. Provide an example to support your response.

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Explanation & Answer



Briefing in Government
Institution Affiliation


Q. Assume the governor has asked you to present an oral briefing on a controversial
environmental program to a board of commissioners of a major county in the state.
Three of the nine commissioners oppose the program and have experts on their staffs
who generally accompany them to meetings. Recommend three actions to take before
the briefing and two key actions as you present the recommendation. Provide reasons to
support your response.
In making any presentation, one must make sure that they are adequately prepared.
For a presentation that is supposed to convince the audience, even more, preparation is
required. Before giving the oral briefing, there are several things I will ensure that I have
done. First of all, I will do adequate research on the con...

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