application of EHR into DNP

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Health Medical


You are now a DNP-prepared nurse in a new leadership position in clinical practice. Analyze your new practice workflow to incorporate seeing patients and in regards to communication with the health care team and the infusion of the EHR into your practice. What elements do you need to consider if this position is in a magnet acute-care hospital in a busy metropolitan area? How might your practice change if the setting was a rural regional clinic system?

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Explanation & Answer

Here it is. Let me know if you need anything else😃

As a DNP mandated with leading the nursing team, it is my role to ensure the successful
infusion of the EHR into the hospital’s nursing practice, its incorporation in the care of patients
and a seamless interaction between the health care team, technologists and administration. The
main purpose of innovation in the medical field is to improve patient outcomes; the goal therefore
is to ensure that the EHR attains this purpose (Spetz, 2012). Woollen et al., reported that a
majority of patients (85.7% of the sample used) used the PHR application once provided training
to do so (Woollen et al., 2015). These patients expressed an interest in personal engagement in
their healthcare. As a DNP, I will emphasize the consideration of patient input information in
decision making.
The deployment of the EHR requires the education of patients concerning their
engagement in creating and communicating health information through ...

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