University of Toronto Business Analytical Report Paper

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Business Finance

University of Toronto


2500 Words Business analytical report. Use SAMSUNG.

Strictly follow the format given and address the question as stipulated in the body paragraph.

Follow the format of academic writing in writing paragraph; Each paragraph should have a topic sentence (Argument). Each of the topic sentences should support your thesis statement. Each topic sentence should be followed by “Evidence, short quotes from expert research + Theory”. Make sure every topic sentence leads back to your thesis. And the content in that paragraph discusses the same thing, not different ideas.

Don't cook references, site all info that needs to be sited. Add a book in your references. 12+ references.

Explanation & Answer:
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Explanation & Answer

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Samsung's Corporate Social Responsibility

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Executive Summary
The report focuses on the illustrations of Samsung's Corporate Social Responsibility and
the benefits it has on its stakeholders. It also gives the necessary details of the organization's
corporate social responsibility, and data used to form the report comes from its headquarters in
Korea and its supply chains. The report further discusses the actions that the organization is
taking up in reducing its footprints in the environment and its steps toward reducing the effects
of climate change. Some of the actions discussed include reducing the emission of gases,
upgrading facilities to become energy efficient, and other initiatives that will be handy in helping
the organization to be sustainable. Further, the report looks into the green markets to find out
ways in which they can take steps to use reusable resources. Finally, the report shall criticize
some of the areas of corporate social responsibility that require further improvements.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Samsung, Environmental Protection


Samsung's Corporate Social Responsibility
Samsung is an electronic company based in South Korea and is the world's greatest
producers of electronic devices. It specializes in producing various consumer products, like
appliances, integrated systems, and memory chips. The organization makes up a fifth of Korea's
exports and has become one of the most famous names in the world of technology (Samsung
official website, 2016). Initially, the organization started as a grocery trading store in 1938 and
started by trading noodles and exporting them to China and its provinces (Samsung Official
website, 2016). The name of the company stems from 'three stars.' It became the largest wooden
mill in Korea, focusing on industrialization and helping the country regain its economy after the
war. At the time, the company gained from protectionist policies by the Korean government to
shield businesses from competition. In 1969, the organization began dealing in electronics, and
its first products were black and white televisions, and in the 70s, it began exporting its products
worldwide (Samsung Official website, 2016).
In the 80s, there was a rapid expansion of the company's technology business, which led
to the establishment of electronic branches, making the organization become an industry leader
in information technology services (Samsung Official website, 2016). It also created research
institutes that broadened its technology line into genetic engineering tools, semiconductors,
telecommunications, high-polymer tools, and aerospace. The organization released several
products such as watch phones and digital televisions in recent years. Every year, the
organization keeps releasing various versions of phones and other appliances. However, the firm
has been facing a series of issues in recent such as order cancellations following fire events,
which compromise its reputation. The organization holds a pivotal position in the economy of


South Korea, and failing out on its business performance would mean adverse financial
conditions (Samsung History, 2016). The organization aims to create the future and inspire the
world in terms of development. The report discusses the corporate social responsibility of the
organization, why the organization must engage in it, and the achievements and other areas that
require improvements.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility is an approach that the company takes to enhance
sustainable development by delivering economic, environmental, and social benefits. The
strategy was first proposed in 1924 by Olive Sheldon, stating that the marketing managers need
to meet all societal parts, including people within and out of the organization (Guanhui, 2011).
Scholars regarded the concept as one of the moral obligations of organizations aside from purely
making profits. It entails the organization's initiatives to ensure the environmental and social
well-being of the communities and the society at large. In essence, CSR has lenses that look
beyond the company's profitability and focuses on the advantages that are advanced to the larger
community. Nearly half of the company's reputation is determined by how they make the public
feel about its corporate social responsibility. As such, Samsung must enga...

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