La Roche University Endocrinology parathyroid hormone Questions

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Health Medical

La Roche University

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Explanation & Answer

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1-Electrical excitability of cell membranes _____ when the extracellular concentration of calcium is low.
Group of answer choices


2-Which statement about parathyroid hormone (PTH) is FALSE?

Group of answer choices

a-PTH increases the calcium concentration and decreases the phosphate concentration in blood by
various direct and indirect actions on bone, kidney, and intestine.

b-If PTH is lacking, the concentration of calcium in blood decreases dramatically, while the concentration
of phosphate increases.

c-PTH is the principal regulator of the extracellular calcium pool.

dHyperparathyroidism may result from insufficient production of active hormone or defects in
the responses of target tissues.
3-Calcium balance means that, on average, daily intake of calcium ___ daily loss of calcium in urine and

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B-is less than

C-is greater than

4-Severe ___ may produce generalized muscular contractions and convulsions.

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5-What is the half-life of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25(OH)2D3) in blood?

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A-3 days

B-30 seconds

C-15 hours

D-5–10 minutes
6-Calcitonin is cleared from the blood primarily by the ___.
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7-List the three hormones collectively called calciotropic (calcitropic) hormones.

8 -Production of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25(OH)2D3) involves multiple ___ feedback loops.

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9 -Calcitonin remained undiscovered for many years because no obvious derangement in calcium
balance or other homeostatic function results from deficient or excessive production.
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10 -Which statement about parathyroid glands in humans is TRUE?

Group of answer choices

A-Human typically have 10 parathyroid glands.

B-Chief cells have no known function.

C-Oxyphil cells predominate and are the source of parathyroid hormone (PTH).

D-Parathyroid glands adhere to the posterior surface of the thyroid gland or occasionally are embedded
within thyroid tissue.

11- The insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) circulate in blood ___.
Group of answer choices

A-free from binding proteins

B-tightly bound to IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs)
12 -Most,...

Znxravz (487)

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