Bollywood Movies Discussion

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Weekly Discussion Board Activity: Reflect on the assigned readings, video clips, and class discussions for week 6. Pick three ideas/themes/observations from them. Use these three ideas/themes/observations along with the assigned course materials to arrive at a certain claim of understanding about Bollywood movies, and/or culture. In other words, how do the three ideas/themes/observations from week 5 help you understand Bollywood movies, and/or culture? (1-3 sentences, no more). End your reading response with one or two questions about the readings or films. Additionally, you will also reply to at least two other person's reading response and address the question(s) raised by them. Also, these are open-ended discussions and as such there are no absolute right or wrong answers that we are looking for. That being said, your response should not be a simple agreement or disagreement. Instead it should extend the scope of the discussion and add more depth and understanding to the topic. We encourage you to bring in your own experiences and observations and make in and out of class connections. Assignment Checklist: 1. Initial Post: should be 200-250 words and include 3 ideas/themes/observations. Incorporate at least 1 textual support from the assigned week 5 articles in your initial post. 2. Claim/s of Understanding: In your initial post, once you have listed the 3 ideas and textual supports, state how do they help you understand Bollywood movies, and/or culture? Please highlight or bolden this so it is easily identifiable by the reader. Also, you can make more than 1 claim. Note: Overall, the initial post and the claim/s of understanding (expectations 1 & 2) should read in a focused manner. 3. Question: At the end of your initial post, pose at least 1 question to the class. 4. Respond to at least 2 peers EQUITABLY. This ensures everyone gets a response to their initial post and/or question.
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Bollywood Movies


Bollywood Movies
The claim of understanding from the readings and the videos is that Bollywood movies
and cultures are constantly evolving to adjust to global modernity. Three themes that support this
claim of understanding emerge: freedom from patriarchal structures, colonial modernity, and
cultural hybridity. The theme of freedom from patriarchal structures is imperative to
understanding the Bollywood culture. It demonstrates the shift from the protectionism element
for women in Bollywood art to a culture where women have the freedom to take risks (Ghosh,
2009). Traditionally, women would take on the more mysterious characters and roles in
Bollywood culture. Still, the new age slowly allows women to break free from this patriarchal
ideology and take more risks in theatre. Colonial modernity demonstrates the evolution of
Bollywood culture into accepting some aspects from the West into Indian nationalism and dance.
This continues to create a new culture that incorporates the West into the Bollywood culture....

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