Integrating Elements of Engagement

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Students will develop a three to four (3-4) page proposal for integrating the elements of engagement into the implementation process. It will include the following:

  1. Explain what you will do during the implementation event to tilt the balance away from the presentation toward participation.
  2. Include a synopsis of how people might react to the idea that change is imminent and that they will be involved in the change process.
  3. Explain what you will do to help people get unstuck from the same old conversations and begin new ones.
  4. Explain how you will bring the element of place into your design for each event.
The requirements and format of the paper is to be as follows:
  • Include two references
  • Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), APA format

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Explanation & Answer






Employee engagement is a vital element in any organization as it encourages effective
communication, awareness, productivity and creates a positive work environment. It should be
noted that through engagement, employees can create a positive work environment that
encourages participation and involvement. As a result, the employee-employer relationship
becomes cohesively leading to employee job satisfaction and more involvement. The positive
work environment and cohesive employee-employer relationship enable the employees to have a
better sense of why change is necessary and why they should accept the change and implement it
within the organization (Fullan, 2014). Successful implementation of change relies on how
productive the employees are engaged within the organization and this can also be realized when
there is a positive correlation between the employer and the employees (Fullan, 2014). Effective
employee engagement is therefore crucial in ensuring smooth implementation of change.
Explain what you will do during the implementation event to tilt the balance away from the
presentation toward participation.
During the implementation, I would incorporate the use of engagement tools such as
survey questionnaires, and fiscal and financial reports to help make employees become part of
the change (Block, 2011). Incorporating such tools in the meeting with employees during the
implementation process is critical in the sense that they allow employees to get involved in the
analysis of the business problem and suggesting what can be done to help the organization move
forward. In other words, these tools are designed to incorporate employee involvement in the
change process by identifying the underlying issues and being part of the change (Block, 2011).
This tactic incorporates the interaction with the engagement tools such as surveys and



questionnaires and also involves training on the understanding of the financial aspect of the
company which may require change and employee involvement.
Engaging employees through participation is essential since it allows employees to
become part of the change. Employees will be more motivated to champion for change if they
have a feeling of being part of the issue (Block, 2011). To ensure employees are integrated
through participation, the organization should focus on the essential tools of engagement
including surveys, questionnaires and in the analyzing of financial reports of the company. In
this case, the team can learn how to interpret and analyze the financial reports and also be able to
provide suggestions on how to improve the financial performance of the company (Block, 2011).
As part of the team, employees will be ready to make suggestions on what actions the team could
take to change the financial outcome of the organization of which they are a part.
Include a synopsis of how people might react to the idea that change is imminent and that
they will be involved in the change process.
to change is often experienced when employees are not involved in the change process.
Employees are likely to accept the change process since by involving them allows their
suggestion and concerns to be integrated into the change process. Employees are motivated when
the organization recognizes their presence and views (Gerard, 2005). Whenever the organization
plans to implement change within either in operation or management, it is always important to
seek the opinion of the employees as this will enable smooth transition and acceptance of change
employees. Although sometimes the change may not be positive to the...

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