Bangor University Routing Attacks Networking Paper

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Computer Science

Bangor University


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Routing Attacks

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Routing Attacks
Computer networks are the core drivers of organizational activities around the globe. To
begin with, companies easily share data among employees or access information remotely
through networking. Networking also benefits firms with minimal resources since devices such
as printers and scanners can be shared. Despite sharing resources to save money, networking has
attracted several risks from attackers. Companies extensively use routers to forward packets and
manage traffic in their networks. When hackers exploit their vulnerability, these routers pose a
significant threat to information security. In this regard, this paper explains routing attacks by
providing the most common types of attacks on routers, how they work, their impact, and
prevention strategy.
Packet Mistreating Attacks (PMA)
The function of a router is to forward data packets to their respective IP addresses.
Routing decisions are based on the packet header. A packet header is simply a portion of the
internet protocol packet containing data and addressing required to reach its intended destination.
Therefore, the packet header contains fields and IP addresses of the recipient and sender to aid
routing. Due to this significance, hackers use their tools and knowledge to alter networks.
Attackers inject packets with malicious codes that interfere with the entire routing process. Once
code injection is performed, the router begins mishandling packets. This action affects packet
forwarding, thus causing network disruption. Attackers thus use network congestion to steal
information from institutions or individuals. If the router is compromised, then valuable
information can be stolen.
It is critical to understand that hackers can cause network congestion using several forms
that precipitate PMAs. Interruption is among how attackers execute PMA. In this method,

attackers intercept packets, thus preventing them from being transferred to their intended
destination. This attack is difficult to notice since routes dr...

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