the intro and (data sheet)

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electricity and magnetism


I have a lab report the intro and (data sheet) and it needs a 1 page conclusion.

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Introduction For the first lab of the semester we dealt with charged pieces of invisible tape, instead of the idea of point charges where all charge is concentrated in a small area. The purpose being we would observe interactions and then approximate the charge. To start, we know that the charge that is left on the tape can't be less than 1 electron (1.6 * 10-19) or greater than the energy if we removed all of electrons (6.02 * 1023) * (1.6 * 10-19). Two charged U-Tapes would be placed together, and carry the same sign of charge. The idea to be proved is that the similar charge will cause the pieces of tape to repel as like charged objects do (which is reflected in the data sheets). We would record measurements of the tape used (including length, mass, distance, magnitude of gravity/electric force). • Mass of tape calculated by : PLinear = 0.012 g/cm (Scotch Magic Tape) * Length of tape. • Magnitude of gravitational/electric force exerted on floating piece of tape : F= weight = m*a = .1397 * 9.8, • Charge on floating tape :/ 2 m/s
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In this first lab, we experimented on charged pieces of an invisible tape whereby the
charge was distributed along the tape randomly instead of concentrated charge on a particular
location. This experiment was very important to our general understanding of the course
material. The experiment helped us observe the interaction of these pieces then approximate the
excess charge on the charged t...

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