UCSD Violence and Discrimination Discussion

User Generated



University of California - San Diego


Please reply to these discussion posts for my English class. 1-3 paragraphs each. In addition to your main response, you must also post substantive responses to at least two of your classmates' posts in this thread. Your response should include elements such as follow up questions, further exploration of topics from the initial post, or requests for further clarification or explanation on some points made by the classmates.

discussion #1


The audience targeted by the article is the entire American population. This is considering that the article is calling for the end of police brutality as well as changes in criminal justice.


As such the article calls for the masses and the government to act to bring change in the prison systems and police brutality. This is clearly done throughout the article as the author points out the importance of patriotism.


The article is generally about the role played by protests in facilitating change in American society. This is clearly illustrated through the presentation of various protests. For instance, the steelworkers and miners protest that changed the working conditions and improved wages of many Americans. The role of the NFL as such is taking that role in present society.


Based in the tone used in writing down the article it is done in an enraged mood. The writer lament about how people claim to be patriotic yet fail to respect the ideals of the constitution. The mood reflects the need to act on social injustices to enhance the feeling of national identity.

The writer has generally employed the use of various styles in order to clearly convey his message. He personifies the term "protest" by giving it human attributes as saying that protest is patriotic. The use of rhetorical questions is employed in order to capture the attention of the audience. For instance and where would we be of course, without the Boston tea party? This meant to invoke the audience to try and decipher more about the Boston Tea Party.


The general structure of the article is the general structuring of the information into paragraphs. The sentences vary in size with a combination of short and long sentences. This is done with the aim of creating emphasis for short sentences while the long sentences offer additional information.


Legend, J. (2017, September 24). The NFL Protests Are Patriotic. Retrieved from https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/09/john-l...



discussion #2

Hello Class,

Kneeling is not a sign of weakness or disrespect, but taking action on what you believe is right.

Audience = The intended audience is the entire American population. The article calls for the end of police brutality and changes in criminal justice.

Purpose = This article calls for the masses and the government to act to bring change in the prison systems and police brutality. The author points out the importance of patriotism.

Content = The article is generally about the role played by protests in facilitating change in American society (Legend, 2017). It is clearly illustrated through the presentation of various protests. For instance, the steel workers and miners protest that changed the working conditions and improved wages of many Americans. The role of the NFL as such is taking that role in present society.

Mood = The mood of the writer is done in an enraged mood. The writer lament how people claim to be patriotic yet fail to respect the constitution's ideals (Legend, 2017). The mood reflects the need to act on social injustices to enhance the feeling of national identity.

Style = The style of writing is to inform and show the world what is going on. The author has generally employed the use of various styles in order to clearly convey his message. He personifies the term "protest" by giving it human attributes as says that protest is patriotic.

Structure = The article's general structure is the general structuring of the information into paragraphs. The sentences vary in size with a combination of short and long sentences. This is done with the aim of creating emphasis for short sentences while the long sentences offer additional information.


Legend, J. (2017). The NFL Protests Are Patriotic. The kneeling players are asking America to do better on criminal justice. If I could, I'd take a knee and join them. Retrieved from https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/09/john-l...

Explanation & Answer:
6 Paragraphs
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Here you go! :) Let me know if it's okay.

Discussion #1
Hello! I definitely agree overall with your assessment of the article and how the author calls on
the American people to stand up against violence and discrimination in whatever form they can.
To add to what you mentioned as the purpose of the...

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