SLS 3360 Florida State University Roadmap to Professional Development Discussion

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SLS 3360

Florida State University


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I'm working on a other discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

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7:36 7 Search Discussion Details (SLS3360-0001.su22) Life after Sport: Road Map to P... Part 1: Create a vision board or picture collage that represents your core values, interests, and skills. Your mood board/collage (use PowerPoint, Word, or a PDF of a Pages or Keynote documents) should include at least 5 visual elements that showcase your core values, interests, and skills. Save your mood board or collage as a .jpeg or Word document. may To Your key visual elements may represent your values, interests, and skills quite literally (if you value living by the ocean, you might include an image of the ocean) to rather abstractly (if you value peace of mind, you might include a swatch of color that is meaningful to you). To complete this assignment, simply reply to this discussion board post. Upload a .jpeg or Word file of your vision board/collage using the media file upload function. You may include captions or descriptions, too, if you prefer. Be sure to proofread your submission for spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc. Minimum word requirement: 200 words. Part 2: Respond to at least one of your colleagues giving preference to posts that have not previously received replies. For full credit, create responses that include a compliment, a comment/connection, and a question. Response must be at least 100 words. • Compliment: Start your reply with a positive remark about a specific element of your colleague's post. For example: Was there a value, interest, and/skill that you appreciate or relate to? Was there a value, interest, and/or skill that surprised you? • Comment/Connection: Identify and comment on a connection present in your colleague's post. For example: Do you share something in common? • Question: Conclude your post with a question that encourages the discussion to continue. For example: How do your experiences relate to or complement those of your colleagues? What do you want to know more about your colleague's values, interests, and/or skills? Reply Dashboard Calendar To Do 1 Notifications Inbox 5
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Explanation & Answer:
200 words
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Explanation & Answer

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Part One Discussion

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Course Title

Part One: Roadmap to Professional Development

This picture collage shows my interest in sports, value in traveling...

GrnpureOenqjvar (27304)
New York University

Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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