Breast Cancer Biology Essay

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Choose any cancer type that interests you. Research the topic and write a brief paper (around 2 page 1.5space) Outlining the following:

1. Intro to the cancer type (including overall stats;general description)

2. Specific oncogenic and/or tumor suppressor mutations associated with this cancer type

3. Any specific information concerning the role of angiogenesis and/or metastasis in its progression/prognosis

4. Current and/or developing improvements in diagnostics and/or therapeutics

Use/cite at least 3-5 sources (NCI,, science daily, etc…plenty of internet sources are

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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Cell Biology


Breast Cancer Biology
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(Total Words: 920)

Cell Biology

Breast Cancer Biology

Breast malignancies are classified as one of the most common types of cancers arising
in women, with a prevalence of 1 out of 10 newly diagnosed types of malignant diseases each
year. From a prognosis point of view, it is the second most common cause of death due to
malignant diseases in the world. Most of the forms are diagnosed during routine screening as
they tend to evolve asymptomatically. Other patients might accidentally palpate breast lumps
or notice discharges from the nipple associated with modifications of the size and shape of
the breast. In terms of age, the incidence of this disease tends to increase with the advancing
age. A family history of cancer increases the likelihood of developing this malignancy during
a lifetime. Nevertheless, histologic abnormalities such as proliferative change associated with
atypia and LCIS (acronym of lobular carcinoma in situ) represents a high-risk factor. Another
risk factor mentioned in the literature is the exogenous usage of hormones containing
progesterone and estrogen, mostly under the form of contraception in the case of females
during the premenopausal period. Considering the fact that the survival rate tends to be
higher in case of early diagnosis, it is important to introduce periodic screening through
mammography and echography (Alkabban, Ferguson,2021)
Mutations associated with this this type of cancer
It is believed that breast malignancy develops mostly due to genetic mutations that are
influenced by exposure to hormones such as estrogen and damage at the level of the DNA. In
some situations, there exist an inheritance of a defective form of DNA or genes which are
classified as pro-cancerous (as is the case of BRAC1 and BRAC2). Both these genes are seen
as tumor supp...

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