Write about 2 different live jazz concert events in San Diego which include at least 2 musicians

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The goal of this forum is to help you prepare for the Concert Review assignment by sharing concert options with your classmates. For your initial post, please submit information on 2 different jazz events that could interest you, which include at least two musicians performing together. Provide an online link for each concert, as well as information on who’s performing, the date & time of the event, and the name & address of the venue. Any venue is appropriate, including colleges and universities, cultural centers, clubs, cafes, alternative music venues – even public libraries.

I provided the link below so you can use them in the writing I want you to use these links nothing else please if you find something else it needs to be in San Diego

Jazz Concert Listings

The following clickable links will connect you to San Diego area jazz events. It's always a good idea to call the venue in advance, to be sure there haven't been cancellations. And always ask about student priced tickets.


The Jazz88 Concert Calendar (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

KSDS 88.3 FM - San Diego's non-commercial jazz station - provides comprehensive listings of most all local jazz performances.


Cuyamaca College Performing Arts Department (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Music department-sponsored jazz concert on 9/21 - $5 student tickets

Grossmont College Jazz Concerts (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

(check back for music department-sponsored jazz concerts)


Dizzy's (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Dizzy's is where you can hear the best local jazz musicians and touring jazz artists. It's an all-ages club with student discounts (often just $10).

All listed concerts are good for your concert review, but NOT 9/23, 10/7.


Athenaeum Jazz Series (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

World-class jazz performances in intimate settings. Concerts on 10/7.


San Diego Reader (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

This is the online version of San Diego's free weekly magazine, that provides comprehensive listings of musical and cultural events.


More jazz concert options

For more jazz concert options, check the concert listings at local clubs and cafes, colleges and universities, museums and libraries. Always ask about student discounts!

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Explanation & Answer


Event 1
Event 2


Course Details
Date of submission
Upcoming Jazzy Events in San Diego
Event 1
On September 21st the Cuyamaca College Music Department presents a jazzy concert to
be held at the Arts Theater Building B at 7.30pm. The Reka Parker Jazz Quartet group will
perform various new interpretations of music from the Blue Note Re...

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