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Finance for Strategic Managers
Task 1 – Financial Data and Strategic Decision Making
Task 2 – Discussion Paper
Task 3 – Information Leaflet
Task 4 – Capital Expenditure Appraisal
Finance for Strategic Managers
Student’s Name
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Instructor’s Name
Task 1 – Financial Data and Strategic Decision Making
Pitero Y on has to adapt to new ways of doing things. Competitively, I intend to offer my
customers the most recent software, hardware, and apparatus to improve their productivity and
stay on top of innovation while also saving time and money. This will allow them to compete in
the market while also providing them with the most up-to-date technology.
A business needs to understand the services, social, and cultural aspects of the people in
the places it operates to demonstrate respect for individuals and help the company establish a
good and presumed brand esteem. Why not work in a highly efficient and knowledgeable
environment that aids the company in continually achieving its objectives and successes? This
also aids in the proper disposal of mis-activities and the removal of undesirable errors. They
should employ frameworks, endeavor software, and software for one-time use that allow them to
function gradually and methodically to meet all their objectives successfully.
Innovating throughout the board in terms of information. Customers' demands and
expectations must be considered to deliver the finest quality products and services. This will help
them keep up with market trends and the most recent developments to stay on top of current
challenges and concerns. As a result, they will be able to keep an eye on their rivals and
understand their strategies and ideology, which will help them stay ahead of the competition and
help them earn big profits and incomes in a deliberate, professional manner. Moreover, this will
help them keep their customers loyal and make them more likely to buy from them, allowing
them to keep away from competition and help them earn big profits and incomes.
Task 2 – Discussion Paper
1: Accounts Payable and Receivable. A close examination of Samsung PLC's 2018
accounting report reveals an increase in current resources of $61.99M, up from $53.24M the
previous year (2017). Exchange receivables, money, and shares were primarily responsible for
the 16.40 percent increase in the current resources. In addition, Samsung's total resources
increased by 13.71 percent to $134 million from $116 million in the previous year. As a result of
this revenue growth, they also saw an increase in profit, but Samsung Meer increased their
consumption for inventive work, which resulted in an overall decrease in yield. Although their
liabilities increased, they saw a reduction in lon...