- Why are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) so controversial? Discuss how a GMO like golden rice might be justifiable despite problems with GMOs in general by taking Hessler’s point of view into consideration.
- How might Singer, Hardin, and Battin respond to this question given their unique (ethical) perspectives? Feel free to go back to the ethical theories we explored the first week of the course and try to link some of the ideas expressed by the various authors to those theoretical perspectives.
- Your essay should be no less than three pages long, and must include three or more references. The references must be credible (no Wikipedia or random websites).
- please read the following selections from Part III of the textbook, Applied Ethics: A Multicultural Approach:
- Peter Singer’s “Famine, Affluence, and Morality”
- Garrett Hardin’s “Carrying Capacity as an Ethical Concept”
- Kristen Hessler’s “Agricultural Biotechnology and Environmental Justice: Golden Rice as a Case Study”
- I have the e- textbook
Explanation & Answer
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The GMO Controversy
The word genetically modified organism (GMO) is very common in the world today.
It refers to organisms; animals or plants that are genetically engineered so as to contain the
desired genes. The engineering involves altering or modifying the DNA of that organism.
The DNA added could be from a plant, animal, virus or bacterium; these are referred to as
transgenic organisms (Desai, 2017).Currently, we have a lot of genetically engineered foods
on the market that contain genes from other plants or animals. It has been determined that
these foods are more nutritious, tastier and are able to resist diseases and long dry spells. In
the USA alone, large-scale manufacture of cotton, corn, and soy has been made possible
through genetic engineering.
The GMO Controversy
There is a lot going on about the GMOs. First, it is about the safety of the foods that
are genetically modified. As expected, there are two sides to this matter; the leaders in the
foods industry who believe that they are good for consumption, and those who are of the
opinion that GMOs are harmful. An anti-GMO organization named Centre Food Safety
regards the genetic modification as the as the greatest environmental challenges of the 21st
century (Wilhelm Klümper, 2014). The food industry owners are reluctant on this technology
and they claim that the long-term effects of the GMOs cannot be determined. They believe
the safety of the people in future is not guaranteed.
Institute of Responsible Technology has said that the genetically engineered foods
have been responsible fo...