GCCCD Athletic Meal Worksheet

User Generated



Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District


Task 1- Select an Athlete

Please choose one of the following fictional athletes that you would like to work with on this project. Each athlete has special considerations that you will need to account for when developing your plan. You will need to tell me which athlete you are consulting with at the beginning of your project write-up.

Athlete 1 

Name: Callie Lin

Age:  27

Sex: Female

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 145 lbs

Sport: Cycling

Special Consideration: Vegan diet

Upcoming Event and/or Personal Goal: Belgian Waffle Ride (132 mile ride)

Competition Time: 7:30 AM

Athlete 2 

Name: Yousif Ali

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 153 lbs

Sport: Wrestling

Special Consideration: Lactose intolerant, avoids gluten

Upcoming Event and/or Personal Goal: Needs to drop 4 pounds in 1 month to enter into 149 lb weight class competition

Competition Time: 2:30 PM

Athlete 3 

Name: Reina Samson 

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 145 lbs

Sport: Gymnastics

Special Consideration: Bulimia Nervosa, iron deficient

Upcoming Event and/or Personal Goal: Recruitment to UCLA gymnastics team

Try-Out Time: 11:00 AM

Task 2- Initial Consulting

Please answer the following question:

Would you recommend that this athlete lose, gain, or maintain their current weight?

Please provide a brief rationale for this decision, including what their BMI is.  

How many calories per day would you recommend for them?

Please provide a brief rationale for this decision.

What type of dietary plan will you use? (i.e., high carb, moderate protein, low fat); high fat, low carb; etc)

Include the AMDR % (i.e. __% carbs, __% lipids, __% protein)

Please provide a brief rationale for this decision. 

What is some advice that you would give to your athlete regarding micronutrients? 

What advise would you give your athlete regarding nutrient timing on competition days?

  1. Would you advise that the athlete consumer a particular supplement or other nutritional aide?

Please provide a brief rationale for this decision. 

  • What would you advise for your athlete if they need to train or compete in warm weather conditions?
  1. Task 3- Example Meal Plans

Now that you have determined nutritional goals for your athlete, it is time to develop a meal plan. Please provide 2 sample daily meal plans. One of the meal plans should reflect a training day, and the other plan should reflect a competition day. The meal plans need to align with the recommendations provided in Task 2. 

  • The 2 meal plans should be in a table format and should include:
  1. Name of food or beverage (including water)

Serving size and number of servings


  • Carbohydrate value
  • Protein value
  1. Fat value
  2. Competition day should also include time that meal is consumed
  3. Task 4- Reflection

Answer the following reflections questions:

  • Which parts were easier for you to develop?
  1. What were some challenges that you faced while creating your nutrition plans? How did you overcome those challenges?

How has this project emphasized to you the importance of sport nutrition professionals for athletes? 

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Project 2 Task 1 I will be consulting with the following athlete: _______________. Task 2 1. Would you recommend that this athlete lose, gain, or maintain their current weight? a. I recommend that the athlete ____________. This is because: [provide rationale, including their BMI. 2. How many calories per day would you recommend for them? a. I recommend that the athlete consume _______ kcals because: 3. What type of dietary plan will you use? (i.e., high carb, moderate protein, low fat); high fat, low carb; etc.) a. I recommend that the athlete consume a _______ diet. b. The AMDR would be: ___% carbohydrates, ___% lipids, ___ protein c. I think that these recommendations are appropriate for the athlete because: 4. What is some advice that you would give to your athlete regarding micronutrients? a. I would advise the following in regard to micronutrients for the athlete: 5. Would you advise that the athlete consumer a particular supplement or other nutritional aide? a. I would advise ____________ because: b. I would not advise ____________ because: 6. What would you advise for your athlete if they need to train or compete in warm weather conditions? a. I would advise _______________ because: Task 3 For this task you will need to provide a sample meal for 1 training day and 1 competition day. Please include the following information: the meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack); food/beverage items; serving size (e.g., cups, ounces, pieces, etc.); the # of servings; amount of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Please include the total values for carbohydrates, protein, and fat at the bottom of the tables. Tracking of micronutrients is optional. Your meal plan should reflect the recommendations that you made in Task 2. Training Day Food/Beverage Serving Size # of Servings kcals Carbs PRO Fat Project 2 Totals: Competition Day Timing Food/Beverage Serving of Meal Size # of Servings kcals Carbs PRO Fat Totals: Task 4 Please answer the following reflection questions: 1. Which parts were easier for you to develop? 2. What were some challenges that you faced while creating your nutrition plans? How did you overcome those challenges? 3. In your opinion, why are sport nutrition specialists important?
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

Project 2
Task 1
I will be consulting with the following athlete: Reina Samson

Task 2
1. Would you recommend that this athlete lose, gain, or maintain their current weight?
a. I recommend that the athlete should lose her current weight. This is because the
athlete is overweight and therefore by having a BMI of 26.5 the athlete should
lose 3.3kgs to reach a healthy BMI of 25.2
2. How many calories per day would you recommend for them?
a. I recommend that the athlete consume __1,545____ kcals because she is to lose
weight of 0.5kg per week so as t...

Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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