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ITEC 325
Working individually describe the compression/archive utilities listed below:
• 7-zip
• gzip
• rar
• tar
• zip
For each utility, do the following:
• Write a description of how the utility operates
• List the most common arguments & describe the effect of that argument
• Briefly describe any compression algorithms implemented by the utilities
Create a summary table that compares and contrasts the different utilities.
Cite any references you will use to create the paper. Not citing sources will result in plagiarism.
Also copying and pasting directly from the sources without properly citing will result in
plagiarism. The result of plagiarism is a grade of 0 for the assignment and may lead to
consequences described in the syllabus.
You should use APA-style citation and reference formatting for this paper. You can find
references on how to use the APA style at the following address:
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