Marketing Paper Select a marketing topic of your choice

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Marketing 607


Select a marketing topic of your choice (examples include: Global Marketing, Services, Pricing). Begin your research by using the GCU Library or an electronic database search.

Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article (published within the last 5 years) on a topic addressed in this course that is of interest to you.

Write an article review of 750-1,000 words that addresses the following:

What is the thesis (main idea) of the article?

Why is (are) the author(s) writing about the topic?

What facts are presented?

How does it relate to the other readings (especially the text) on the topic?

What are the conclusions and recommendations?

Critique the article.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Refer to "Article Review Grading Criteria" for criteria to be used in grading.

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Article Review Grading Criteria REQUIREMENTS: POSSIBLE 1) What is the thesis (main idea) of the article? 10 2) Why is (are) the author(s) writing about the topic? 10 3) What facts are presented? 10 4) How does it relate to the other readings (especially the text) on the topic? 10 5) Critique the article. 15 6) What are the conclusions and recommendations? 15 7) Uses a peer-reviewed/scholarly academic reference. 5 8) Student prepares all answers and comments according to the APA guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 5 9) Paragraph Development and Transitions 6 Student’s work has a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas universally progress and relate to each other. The student is careful to use paragraph and transition construction to guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless. Individually and collectively, paragraphs are coherent and cohesive. 10) Mechanics of Writing 7 a) Student is clearly in command of standard, written academic English. b) All work includes correct spelling, punctuation, and © 2011. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. ACTUAL grammar. 11) Language Use and Audience Awareness 7 a) Student used correct sentence construction, word choice, etc. b) Student uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in unique and creative ways that are appropriate to the purpose, discipline, and scope. c) Assignment is within the required word count. TOTAL 100 After the total has been added together, calculate the following: ___/100 x 10% = © 2011. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
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Article Review: Global Marketing



Article Review: Global Marketing
Matanda, T., & Ewing, M. T. (2012). The process of global brand strategy development and
regional implementation. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29(1), 5-12.
Thesis/Main Idea of the Article
The article explores the process of developing a global brand strategy and provides more
information on global brand management strategies and processes. Therefore, the main idea of
the article is: The process of global brand strategy development entails sharing of information
and best practices, implementing the common processes of brand planning, assigning tasks and
duties for global branding as well as creating and implementing brand-building strategies that are
effective (Matanda & Ewing, 2012).
Reasons for Writing about the Topic
The main reasons why the authors chose to write about the topic was to analyze and learn
the various process and strategies used by multinational corporations in their global brand
management and provide a deeper understanding of the various practices, procedures, and
processes that a company can undertake to s...

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