prepare a streamlined version of the key elements of a strategic plan

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Business Finance


For this assignment, select a real company in the fastfood industry. Chick-fil-a

To feel confident that all of the employees in your strategic planning team understand all that you have taught them, you require each to prepare a streamlined version of the key elements of a strategic plan. You require each employee to prepare the following sections of a strategic plan for the corporation's next 3-5 years:

  • Mission and Vision Statements (Simply copying from an existing real company is unacceptable.)
  • Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound (SMART) Goals and Objectives
  • Industry Analysis
  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, and Trends (SWOTT) Analysis
  • A Perceptual Map
    • Choose any criteria that you think are important to plot.
    • Explain why you picked the criteria.

Your task is to create a plan, following the same parameters, which will be the sample standard that your employees' submissions should match.

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Explanation & Answer

Hi, the project is ready. I worked with Chick-fil-A and attached is a document with an excellent presentation and the plagiarism report. Let me know what you think and thank you for leting me work on it again. All the best.

Insert surname1

Professor’s name
Student’s name
Course title

Chick-fil-A Strategic plan
Chick-fil-A is a fast food chain dominant in the United States food chain markets. This
chain was started by S. Truett Cathy during the great depression period. The first ever Chick-filA Chicken franchise was launched in 1946 although it was initially called the Dwarf Grill then
later rebranded to Dwarf House. Truett Cathy established the business first in Hapeville, Georgia
which continued to grow and expand to more locations. Currently, the franchise has over 2,000
outlets specialized in making various chicken sandwich varieties. This is a journey of sacrifice,
hard work, planning and sacrifice running over fifty years of excellence, growth, mistakes and
lessons. The next 3 to 5 years should see a major transformation of the franchise into a global
leader as outlined in this strategic plan.
Mission statement
“To dedicate our efforts in delivering excellent, affordable products to our valued
customers an objective to build loyalty, customer retention and business expansion through the
production of quality products, robust marketing and great customer service”

Insert surname2

Vision statement
“Working towards achieving market leader status, through strict commitment to the
mission statement”
Goals and objectives
The company intends to achieve the specifics of its mission and vision statements
through curious tabulated specific goals and objectives. Once they have been met, this will be an
indication of progress towards reaching the projected status...

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