AU Veteran’s Health Administration Discussion

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For your final paper, you will continue with the same organization you chose for the Week 3 SWOT analysis, Veteran’s Health Administration (VHA) ● Analyze the internal environment. Identify at least two internal problems associated with the organization and explain the rationale. Examples may include. Patient experience Internet search keywords: organization name + patient reviews ● Analyze the external environment. Examine all the following external issues that can impact the organization’s ability to meet the Mission, Vision, and Values and the goals identified in the strategic plan: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental,Legal. ● Evaluate the competitive advantage of the organization. Explain what the organization does that no other organization in the community or region does. Examples may include Differentiation from competitors in the community,Reputation,Superior location (e.g., Consider the income of the area and who the consumers are likely to be based on the location.) Customer satisfaction Convenience Price level . ● Examine the role of stakeholders (address at least three of the following): Government Accrediting bodies Insurance providers Patients ● Assess the services provided (address at least three of the following): New or innovative services or products Renowned health care providers (e.g., a doctor who has special expertise or experience) Availability of financial support for qualifying patients (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, financial assistance opportunities) Modern technology and equipment. ● Analyze the organization’s competencies and resources. Intellectual capital (choose two) Professional competency (e.g., highly qualified and credentialed health care workers) Information systems and data management. Organizational competencies hoose two) .Managing the continuum of care (e.g., maintaining contact with the patient over a long period of time and across health services to ensure they receive the best possible care) .Training physicians and staff to ensure their skills, knowledge, and behaviors reflect current industry standards and best practices ● Create a recommendation for the future direction of the organization of choice. Based on the findings on the topics above, address the following: What recommendations can be made to ensure the organization manages future growth or continued success? What are the short-, medium-, and long-term changes that need to be considered? What does the organization need to do to maintain its financial health and viability? 1 SWOT Analysis Doreen kankunda The University of Arizona Global Campus HCA421: Health Care Planning and Evaluation Kevin Hayes 05/ 16/2022. SWOT Analysis The purpose of this paper is to explore the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the Veteran's Health Administration (VHA). VHA is responsible for ensuring that the health needs of U.S veterans are met. However, the organization needs to overcome threats and weaknesses by leveraging its strengths and opportunities to better its ability to deliver the responsibilities it has for the veteran community. Therefore, in the first section, an in-depth analysis of its SWOT is provided to establish a foundation for exploring the ability of VHA to perfume best. Section #1 2 This paper will focus on the Veteran's Health Administration (VHA) ( Strengths VHA offers quality services and products, characterized by the high customer loyalty of its existing consumers. While the organization offers services primarily to the U.S population, it can leverage this ability to compete with other companies on a global scale (Kimerling et al., 2017). That will increase its publicity and market penetration. VHA has a strong relationship with its vendors. With several branches spread across the nation, VHA has established a strong presence with its existing suppliers (Fihn et al., 2014). It can use this as a mechanism for increasing products and services. Additionally, VHA enjoys a strong brand equity and brand awareness. Its products are among the most recognized in veteran health. The company can use this as a basis for attracting more customers. (Fihn et al., 2014) Weaknesses VHA has been accused of neglecting the needs of its consumers. Some of the leaders developed goals that prioritized profit generation over the quality of care. Brand image and customer satisfaction went low and thus were the revenues (Fihn et al., 2014). VHA generally lacks workforce diversity. A higher percentage of workers are whites and males (Peterson et al., 2018). This can reduce the growth potential of the company, both domestically and internationally. 3 Poor information-sharing between departments. Poor organizational culture leads to negative patient outcomes (Peterson et al., 2018). Opportunities Globalization has opened international markets for companies. VHA can pursue this opportunity to increase its product offering and diversification. (Kimerling et al., 2017) Digital-oriented business practices. Technology has created an opportunity for VHA to minimize operational costs while increasing revenue streams by operating online. Emerging economies have created a large pool of talents. These talents are easily available and cheaper. VHA can tap into these markets to enhance its human resource capability (Fihn et al., 2014). Threats The increasing cost of operation is a major threat. As the cost of care increases, the weight spreads to VHA also. This leads to an overall increase in it may result in higher logistics costs and higher packaging costs. (Kimerling et al., 2017) Different government administrations have varying policies on financial aid to VHA. The firm should stay alert to changing regimes as the fund allocation could not be enough to run daily operations (Fihn et al., 2014). Negative consumer behaviors can hurt the consumer segment for VHA. A reduced consumer group implies a reduction in revenue to run operations. (Fihn et al., 2014) Summarize the details from the SWOT analysis by filling in the SWOT box below: 4 SWOT BOX Strengths Weaknesses quality services and products neglecting the needs of its consumers a strong relationship with its vendors lacks workforce diversity strong brand equity and brand awareness Poor information-sharing between departments Opportunities Threats Globalization The increasing cost of operation Digital-oriented business practices varying policies on financial aid to VHA a large pool of talents Negative consumer behaviors 5 References Fihn, S., Francis, J., Clancy, C., Nielson, C., Nelson, K., & Rumsfeld, J. et al. (2014). Insights From Advanced Analytics at The Veterans Health Administration. Health Affairs, 33(7), 1203-1211. Kimerling, R., Gima, K., Smith, M., Street, A., & Frayne, S. (2017). The Veterans Health Administration and Military Sexual Trauma. American Journal of Public Health, 97(12), 2160-2166. Peterson, K., Anderson, J., Boundy, E., Ferguson, L., McCleery, E., & Waldrip, K. (2018). Mortality Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups in the Veterans Health Administration: An Evidence Review and Map. American Journal of Public Health, 108(3), e1-e11.
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Veteran’s Health Administration (VHA)

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Veteran’s Health Administration (VHA)
Internal Environment
The quality of a particular health facility is determined based on how patients interact
with employees and the standards of care. Considering patient experience, most veterans suggest
that VHA’s employees are friendly and obsessed with ensuring that patients are well. One of the
patients says, “They hear what I am saying when I tell them I am in pain” (Modern Healthcare,
2019). Others suggest VHA makes them feel at home. Secondly, VHA’s processes of care
measures are timely and effective. VHA employees are often around patients and constantly
update families about their loved ones’ health status (Modern Healthcare, 2019). VHA
employees perform screenings to ensure that veterans are healthy at all times.
External Environment
Political: Political issues between the Democrats and Republicans tend to hinder financial
support for the VHA.
Economic: The VHA budget has increased to more than $200 billion, posing a threat to
care services offered to veterans and wages for VHA employees (Hatef et al., 2019).
Social: The VHA’s workforce diversity is ...

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