2 page essay with references in APA format

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One viewer's realistic portrayal of life—including coarse language, violence, or sex - may be another's example of the decline of societal decency. No matter the interpretation, people keep watching film and TV, listening to music, and playing video games that push the standards of decency. Does artistic integrity or profit drive new pushes into bolder territory? What role does society play in what it sees, hears, and plays? In this Application, you will consider questions such as these as you examine indecency in popular culture.

To prepare for this essay:

  • Review the webpage: Obscenity, Indecency and Profanity: It's Against the Law

  • Reflect on the definition of indecency.
  • Analyze how interpretations of indecency affect its appeal in media and culture and potentially influence social change.

The assignment:

Compose a 2-page paper in which you do the following:
  • Examine what constitutes indecency.
  • Analyze the appeal or attraction of indecency in media and the role society plays in defining or policing indecency.
  • Connect social change to society's reaction to and policing of indecency.
  • Support your assertions by making at least 2 references, in proper APA format.

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