Plato's cave.

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philosophy 1010

Prince George's Community College


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Please respond to (only) of the following questions in a carefully written essay of 3-6 pages. Your essay should have a formal introduction, body, and conclusion. I will work with you on this with examples, an online editing session in the Discussion Board, and an optional 1-on-1 tutorial. Please begin thinking about your topic. Our due date will be the final Sunday of Week 5 of our class. Before writing the paper you should read Plato’s Cave, The Apology, and view our class film. Also, search the Web to see many versions of the Cave. 1. Identify and describe the four main parts of Plato’s Cave. Show how each part has relevance to your life. Be very specific about places, dates, and people. 2. What are the three most important themes in Plato’s account of the interior of the Cave? Please identify and describe with quotations from the text. Finally, show how each of these themes is relevant to life today. 3. Find at least four drawings of the Cave—not counting the ones we did in class which are masterpieces and have few faults. Identify three aspects of Plato’s Cave as described in Republic VII that are seldom if ever included in the drawings that one sees. Why do you think these aspects are omitted?
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Running head: PLATO’S CAVE


Main Parts of Plato’s Cave
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“The Allegory of Cave”, which was authored by Plot can be considered to the part of the
readings that are within allegory form. In general, the allegorical writing refers to the kind of
writing that has two meanings levels: literary, as well as, allegorical meanings. The literary
meaning refers to the content meaning or subject matter whereas allegorical meaning refers to
the metaphorical or symbolic suggestion. In general the Plato’s Cave can be considered to have
been split into four major parts; which are: the cave and the shadows, the game, the escape, as
well as, the return (Heidegger & Sadler, 2002). In this context, the discussion below seeks to
Identify and describe the four main parts of Plato’s Cave by showing the relevance of each part.
First, the cave has been featured as dark due to the little inside it and one hardly sees any
object. Inside, the cave, there are certain individuals who have been chained not only on their
necks but also feet. In that regard, the chained people are not in the position to move in an easy
manner. In addition, there happens to be another world outside the cave world, although between
both worlds, a wall has been raised. The prisoners held up within the cave have been there from
their birth thus have never has a view of the outside wave. On the contrary, within the outside
world, there is light hence all t...

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