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Nome Section Date 26 LABORATORY 26 Equipotentials and Electric Fields PRE-LABORATORY ASSIGNMENT 1. Electric field lines are drawn (a) from positive charges to negative charges (b) from negative charges to positive charges (c) from the largest charge to the smallest charge (d) from the smallest charge to the largest charge. 2. The points where the potential is the same in three-dimensional space) have the same voltage. (a) True (b) False 3. The points where the potential is the same (in three-dimensional space) lie on a surface. (a) True (b) False 4. The relationship between the direction of the electric field lines and the equipotential surfaces is (a) field lines are everywhere parallel to surfaces (b) field lines always intersect each other (e) field lines are everywhere perpendicular to surfaces (d) field lines always make angles between 0 and 90° with surfaces. 5. Why are the measured equipotentials lines instead of surfaces for this laboratory? 6. If two electrodes have a source of potential difference of 100 V connected to them, how many equipotential surfaces exist in the space between them? 7. Why is it important to center the electrodes on the resistance paper for this laboratory? COPYRIGHT © 2008 Thomson Brooks/Cole 263 264 Physics Laboratory Manual Loyd 8. In the performance of this laboratory, what is the recommended maximum allowed potential difference from one end of an electrode to the other end? 9. On what basis are you to decide how many points to measure for each equipotential for a given electrode configuration?
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Explanation & Answer


Answer 1. (a) from positive charges to negative charges.
Answer 2. (a) True
Answer 3. (a) True
Answer 4. (c) field lines are everywhere perpendicular to the surf...

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