Grantham University The Debate over Doing Good Article Summary Paper

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Grantham University


Find and summarize the Grow, Hamm, & Lee’s “The Debate over Doing Good” (in EBSCO).

  • Use your key terms that you generated through searching Grantham Library’s EBSCOhost and/or Google Scholar to find at least five additional, reputable articles to review as background information on community partnerships and community organizations.
  • Review each of the six articles you found and summarize them based on the following criteria:
    • The name of the author and article,
    • The purpose of the article,
    • The problem addressed,
    • The population addressed, and,
    • The results of the article.
  • Your review should include all six articles. You should provide a 100-150 word paragraph for each source addressing the each of the four key ideas in your summary. Each article should also include a reference citation in APA format.


    Remen, R. N. (1999 Jan.1). Helping, fixing or serving? University of Cincinnati.Retrieved from:

    In the article, “Helping, Fixing, or Serving” (1999), Remen asserts that people see the world in three
    different ways broken, weak or whole.

    These viewpoints results in how a person connect to their world. Remen views serving as a way to moves beyond the expertise and incorporates both their serves strengthens as well as the strengths of others.

    Many times people seek to help or fix rather than service. Remen uses examples of an emergency physician sees delivering a baby as a service rather than fixing the problem. She shares how a nurse moved past professional protocols to serve her by removing her ileostomy. In these examples, she explains how experiences shorten the distance between the humans. Remen shows how serving rather than fixing or helping benefits all parties and impacts humanity.

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    Explanation & Answer



    Researching Community Partnership




    Minkler, M., Vásquez, V. B., Tajik, M., & Petersen, D. (2008). Promoting environmental
    justice through community-based participatory research: the role of community and
    partnership capacity. Health Education & Behavior, 35(1), 119-137.
    In the article, “promoting environmental justice through community-based participatory
    research” (2008), Minkler and Peterson show that the community-based participatory research has
    been a primary concern when it comes to justice in a given environment. This article is all about
    some partnerships in the US which tries to deal with the health issues. Minkler and Peterson also
    assert that the corporations could work towards ensuring that the legislatures are educated on how
    the required public policy can be promoted. The four firms scrutinized were found in some of the
    countries which include California, North Carolina, and New York. The policy related results were
    presented with consequences that came from other organizations with programmed attention. This
    article addresses the following population; the public, workers and the stakeholders. The results
    indicated that the environmental health problems investigated could only be addressed through
    educating the legislators as well as promoting relevant public policy.
    Culp III, K., Eastwood, C., Turner, S., Allen, R., & Stephenson, L. (2015). Sustaining
    Members, Volunteers and Leaders in Community Organizations: Strengthening an
    Organization by Building Traditions.
    In this article, sustaining members, volunteers, and leaders in community organizations”
    (2015), Culp, Eastwood, Turner, Allen, and St...

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