MISP Program Project

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MATRIX multiplication by an integer https://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/matrix-multiplying.html How to Multiply Matrices A Matrix is an array of numbers: A Matrix (This one has 2 Rows and 3 Columns) To multiply a matrix by a single number is easy: 2 x [6 24] 6 4 24 1-98 Ask the user for the size of their matrix--Max 9x9 input the matrx with prompts for rows and columns the matrix should be stored row wise 2x4=8 80 [18] = [28] These are the calculations: 2x4=8 2x0=0 We call the number ("2" in this case) a scalar, so this is called "scalar multiplication". how many rows in your matrices (max 9)? 2 how many columns in your matrices (max 9)? 5 2x1 2 2x-9=-18 Ask the user for an integer multiply the matrix by the integer, storing the resulting matrix in memory columnwise. Then output the results from what was stored in memory no error checking necessary I will be checking memory name your file firstInitialLastNameMatrices.asm (my filename would be eLichtenthalMatrices.asm) you may use anything we've done this semester sample runssample runs how many rows in your matrices (max 9)? 2 how many columns in your matrices (max 9)? 5 for matrix 1 enter row 1 column 1: 1 enter row 1 column 2: 2 enter row 1 column 3: 3 enter row 1 column 4: 4 enter row 1 column 5: 5 enter row 2 column 1: 6 enter row 2 column 2: 7 enter row 2 column 3: 8 enter row 2 column 4: 9 enter row 2 column 5: 10 What would you like to multiply the matrix by? 300 RESULTS 1 6 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 times 300 EQUALS 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 -- program is finished running --how many rows in your matrices (max 9)? 8 how many columns in your matrices (max 9)? 2 for matrix 1 enter row 1 column 1: 130 enter row 1 column 2: 45 enter row 2 column 1: 33 enter row 2 column 2: 44 enter row 3 column 1: 90 enter row 3 column 2: 32 enter row 4 column 1: 18 enter row 4 column 2: 3 enter row 5 column 1: 9 enter row 5 column 2: 12 enter row 6 column 1: 9 enter row 6 column 2: 3 enter row 7 column 1: 99 enter row 7 column 2: 3 enter row 8 column 1: 1 enter row 8 column 2: 2 What would RESULTS 45 130 33 90 18 N w W N W W A+ 44 32 9 12 9 99 3 1 times 50 EQUALS you like to multiply the matrix by? 50 6500 2250 1650 2200 4500 1600 900 150 450 600 450 150 4950 150 50 100 -- program is finished running --
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Solution OverviewI have attached the MIPS code zip file (matrices.asm) with all the code for the questions. I have also attached a video recording (mips ma...

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