SCSU The IE Matrix and Grand Space Matrix for Coca Cola Elements Essay

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Business Finance

St Cloud State University


A. Create a weighted scores, or IE, matrix for Coke using the scores from your IFE matrix and EFE matrix using the template attached. Analyze and explain your results by looking at the strategy types suggested in figure 6-10 (Attached) compared to the same strategies you developed in your SWOT analysis and also compared to your results for the Space and BCG matrices. Do not worry that the intersection is not in one of the bubbles, only what box it is in. For example if the intersection is in box VII, but outside the bubble, you still look at retrenchment and divestiture strategies. Submit your IE matrix and analysis as a word document.

B. Create a Grand Space Matrix for Coke. Use the template to complete this assignment. You only need one X axis and one Y axis number. Explain why you chose the numbers you did.

C. Analyze your results again, but this time compare the results of the Space, BCG, IE, and GSM matrices against each other. Is there any one or two types of strategies that stick out? Submit your IE and GSM matrices plus your analysis as a word document.

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1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 1. 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Click The Blue Buttons Below to Navigate Part 1 More Efficiently Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats IE Matrix SPACE Matrix Perceptual Maps GRAND Welcome to the Free Excel Student Template Versio Dear Student, By using this Template, you hereby agree to the Copyright terms and conditions. This Template should save you considerable t be more professional. Do not mistake this Template for doing all of the work. Your assignment is to analyze and present strate still need to do the research and enter key internal and external information into the Template. The Template does not gather o however assimilate information you enter in a professional way and does many calculations for you once that critical informati David textbook for conceptual guidelines for developing all matrices and analyses included in this Template. Best of luck with is designed for Textbook version 17ed. If using a textbook version other than 17ed, version 16. Instructions for Using the Template Please read all Template instructions below carefully before you start each new section of this Template. Only type in the gree David textbook for conceptual guidelines for every matrix and analysis in this Template. This Template is organized into three primary parts: Part I, Part II, and the respective data output pages for your respective ma into Part I or Part II. Part I consists of data entry in developing matrices, where Part II consists of data entry for your financial i statements, and projected financial statements. Blue buttons are provided for navigating within and to Part I, yellow buttons are orange buttons are for navigating to the respective matrices and pink buttons are for navigating to your financial output tables. of Part I and Part II may not be visible for Apple users but all other features should work without any problems. Strengths and Weaknesses Enter into the Template exactly 10 strengths and 10 weaknesses, no more and no less. Your factors should be detailed and actio the strength: "Sales up nicely" is too vague and not actionable; "Sales were up 15% on women's apparel in China during 2018" thinking in terms of divisions when writing strengths and weaknesses. Note women's apparel could be a division for Nike. All equally; allow more coverage for divisions with more revenue and those most pertinent to your strategic plan. Weights reveal how important a factor is to being successful in the industry. All weights are "industry-based." A factor of 0.10 important than a factor of 0.02 for being successful in the industry. Do not be afraid to include factors with lower weights thou list (10 strengths for example out of the 100s the firm likely has), justifies its importance, yet it still may be relatively a lot less factors you include. Also, be mindful with respect to what industry your firm operates. A moderate priced casual hamburger r with a moderate priced chicken restaurant than with McDonalds (cheaper fastfood). Automatically considering McDonalds, B "industry" just because they all sell hamburgers may not be appropriate. Here, casual moderated priced restaurants may serve b in the weights, check to make sure the sum of your weights equals 1.0 for your internal factors. Also, arrange your strengths w arrange your Weaknesses also with highest weighted factors listed first. In contrast to weights that are industry-based, ratings are company-based and reveal how well your firm is performing. Use the ratings in an IFE Matrix: If your strengths are being cut off, simply drag your cursor between the two row numbers on the left 1 = "the response is poor" 2 = "the response is average 3 = "the response is above average" 4 = "the response is superior" View IFE Matrix Strengths Weaknesses View IFE Matrix Total Weight (Must Equal 1.00) Opportunities and Threats Enter into this Template exactly 10 opportunities and 10 threats, no more no less. Your factors should be detailed and actionab both opportunities and threats should be external in nature. Ask yourself "Does the firm have control over this factor?" If the an opportunity or threat. For example, as a clothing retailer you may have an opportunity to "start selling clothes in China." This i 1) the firm has internal control over doing business in China, and 2) the statement is a strategy. The underlying opportunity ma more on athletic apparel in 2018." Note how this opportunity is specific, actionable, divisional, and external (we cannot contro athletic apparel). All divisions do not need to be treated equally, allow more coverage for divisions with more revenue and thos Weights reveal how important a factor is to being successful in the industry. Read over the #2 tip under strengths and weaknes for the external factors. After entering in the weights, check to make sure your sum of weights equals 1.0 for all 20 external fac highest weight items first. Ratings again are company-based and reflect how well the firm is addressing the particular factor. Use the coding scheme given If your opportunities are being cut off, simply drag your cursor between the two row numbers on the left to widen the row. 1 = the response is poor" 2 = "the response is average" 3 = "the response is above average" 4 = "the response is superior" Opportunities Threats View EFE View EFE Matrix Total Weight (Must Equal 1.00) Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) To perform the CPM, enter up to 12 critical success factors. You may use some of the ones listed below if you like but try to u company. For example, if your case is Delta Airlines, perhaps include on time arrival, extra fees, and frequent flyer points as f below. In a CPM, factors do not need to be overly specific, but they should be divisional in nature to the extent possible. If Pep be about the firm's soda business, Frito Lay business, bottling business, etc. (Pepsi Co competes in a lot more than just soda) ra Advertising for what division (business) are you referring to? Frito Lay's advertising, soda marketing, etc. All divisions do not coverage for divisions with more revenue and those most pertinent to your strategic plan. After entering in your critical success factors, enter in a weight for each factor; weights are industry-based. Be sure to check th column, to make sure your sum weight is equal to 1.00. It is okay for some factors to receive a low weight and a factor or two t After entering in your weights, type the name of your company and two other competitors in the corresponding boxes. After entering in the weights and identifying your company and two rival firms, then enter in a Rating (company-based) in the organization. DO NOT ASSIGN THE COMPANIES THE SAME RATING; TAKE A STAND; MAKE A CHOICE. In a CPM below for ratings. 1 = "the response is poor" 2 = "the response is average" 3 = "the response is above average" 4 = "the response is superior" View CPM Matrix Enter 12 Factors Below Advertising Domestic Market Penetration Customer Service Product Variety International Market Penetration Employee Dedication Financial Profit Customer Loyalty Market Share Product Quality Top Management Price Competitiveness View CPM Matrix Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix This Template allows for up to 5 divisions. If your company has more than 5 divisions, combine the divisions with the least amount of revenue into division 5, and mention the adjustment to the class during your presentation, or simply focus on the 5 divisions your 3-year plan centers around; check with your professor.
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