Capella University Nursing Networking in Nursing Discussion

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Health Medical

Capella University


My name is Sharane Bowlin. I have been in the medical field for over eighteen years; I started as a Medical Assistance for seven years, then I worked my way up to a Licensed Practical Nurse for another seven years, and now I have been a Registered Nurse for over four years where I have been working on a medical-surgical unit. Ultimately, my goal is to become a Family Nurse Practitioner. Shortly after the pandemic, I started to work on a travel assignment where I met a fellow colleague who referred me to Walden University, after hearing my desire to further my education by becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner. I then proceeded to do my research and was very impressed with the vision and mission statement. It is a perfect example of what a modern 21ST-century school should embody when trying to help individuals pursue their professional and academic goals. This institution’s flexibility and diversity make it attractive for furthering one’s career goals and education that can be pursued online, which is perfect for me.

Walden’s promise is to “meet the needs of individuals in both local and global communities” (Walden University Student Handbook, 2012), which blends well with all five of Walden’s goals. Goal number two states that they “create an educational environment where learners can build on their existing transformational and professional nursing knowledge, skills, and integrative abilities” (Walden University Student Handbook, 2012), which aligns with my academic and professional career in nursing. Walden University defines positive social change as a deliberate process of creating and implementing ideas, strategies, and actions that can promote the worth, dignity, and development of not only an individual but also so for communities, organizations, cultures, and societies (Walden University Student Handbook, 2012). With that being said, I plan to merge the knowledge obtained from the past and future to allow me to have a positive social change towards patients, co-workers, and others with whom I encounter.

When you can “exhibit an ongoing commitment to professional development and value of nursing theories/ethical principles (altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, social justice) ethically responsible, legally accountable, specialist nursing practice” (Walden University Student Handbook, 2012). This will equip me with the skills and knowledge to succeed consistently as a Scholar-Practitioner. Networking is essential because it allows you to acquire and develop professional skills, some of which are not easily accessible from literature. Though one must acknowledge that networking is evolving and will broaden your scope. It enables one to have the ability to share practical knowledge and information that will develop you in a lifelong professional career. There are several benefits of networking in the healthcare field: uncovered job opportunities, support for career advancement, exploring different specialties and roles, developing a support system in the work environment, and influencing the healthcare system positively (Hamil, 2022). Though many nurses do not find networking very appealing, networking has brought 70% of jobs, and it has proven once again that it is a necessity and brings limitless opportunities (Walker, 2018).

In summation, I strongly recommend that all my colleagues abide by these suggested attributes as we continue to pursue our professional careers here at Walden, strive for growth, and go through our journey as we join the 21ST Century Scholar Practitioners.

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Hello Sharane Bowlin,
Networking in nursing is crucial in providing nurses with access to endless opportu...

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